Tokens are a way to display the value stored within a form field or property, like a variable. These are often used in Paragraph elements, Additional Content, and Print Templates within forms, and in communication templates.
Token Syntax
Tokens always have *is* surrounding the variable being referenced. Without this syntax, the variable name will simply be displayed as text.
Syntax: *is*$VariableName*is*, where $VariableName is either the name of a form field or a property
Example 1: *is*stu_FirstName*is*, where stu_FirstName is the name of a form field
Example 2: *is*Submission:DateSubmitted*is*, where Submission:DateSubmitted is the property
Token Support
Tokens referencing form fields are supported everywhere, whereas Tokens referencing properties have limited scope.
Token Index
* All dates and times in Central Time
** Property must be mapped to appropriate form field by PowerSchool Specialist
*** What each seating unit level represents is dependent on configuration
Token | Description | Supported Area |
*is*$FieldName*is* | Stored value within a form field, where $FieldName is the name of the desired form field. Example: *is*stu_FirstName*is* |
*is*Action:CloseDate*is* | Date form scheduled to close, if form Status is Scheduled. |
*is*Action:OpenDate*is* | Date form scheduled to open, if form Status is Scheduled. |
*is*Action:Title*is* | Name of form (in English). |
*is*Appointment:TITLEHERE*is* | Generates a hyperlink to view and schedule an appointment, where TITLEHERE is the name of the desired event. Within Restricted and Private forms, the generated link will bypass the student selection page as part of the schedule appointment workflow. Example: *is*Appointment:Documentation Review*is* |
*is*Customer:Name*is* | Name of school/district. |
*is*DirectActionUrl*is* | Generates a URL to the live form. |
*is*DocumentStatus:$DocumentName*is* | Status of the specified uploaded document, where $DocumentName is the name of the desired uploaded document. Example: *is*DocumentStatus:Copy of Birth Certificate*is* |
*is*FamilyMember:FirstName*is* | First name of student within parent account. |
*is*FamilyMember:ID*is* | ID of student within parent account. |
*is*FamilyMember:LastName*is* | Last name of student within parent account. |
*is*FamilyMember:Name*is* | First and last name of student within parent account. |
*is*HostLinkUrl*is* | Generates a generic URL to the family portal. |
*is*OpenInvitationsSection*is* CONTENT HERE *is*OpenInvitationLinks*is* *is*OpenInvitationsEndSection*is* | This series of tokens is used to conditionally display a series of links to start siblings' forms from the Submission Confirmation page of a Private form. The content will conditionally be shown if the value within PROP:ExternalFamilyID for the submitted student matches the value within PROP:ExternalFamilyID for at least one other student in the Roster who's form has not yet been started. Effectively, if the student has a sibling who's form has not yet been started, then this provides the parent easy access to start that sibling's form. ** The *is*OpenInvitationsSection*is* token is used to start the section, and the *is*OpenInvitationsEndSection*is* token is used to end the section. "CONTENT HERE" can be replaced with any custom content desired to be shown to the parent in this scenario. The *is*OpenInvitationLinks*is* token will generate a bullet point (unordered) list of hyperlinks to start siblings' forms, with each hyperlink text being the PROP:FirstName and PROP:LastName values for each sibling. |
*is*Page:Number*is* | Page number within PDF. |
*is*Page:Total*is* | Total page numbers within PDF. |
*is*Payment:Amount*is* | Total amount paid by parent. |
*is*Payment:InvoiceItems*is* | List of items/fees on invoice. |
*is*Payment:Method*is* | Payment method used by parent. |
*is*PaymentReceipt:EN*is* | Generates a payment receipt in English. Note: Supports each of the supported culture codes:
*is*PaymentReceipt*is* | Generates a payment receipt in the language used by the parent. |
*is*Print:TITLEHERE*is* | Generates a hyperlink to generate the PDF for the specified print template, where TITLEHERE is the name of the desired print template. Example: *is*Print:Annual Re-Registration*is* |
*is*PROP:ActionSessionID*is* | ID of in-progress form. |
*is*PROP:DateLastAccessed*is* | Date form last accessed by parent. * |
*is*PROP:DateOfBirth*is* | Student date of birth within in-progress form. ** |
*is*PROP:DateStarted*is* | Date form started by parent. * |
*is*PROP:FirstName*is* | Student first name within in-progress form. ** |
*is*PROP:FirstPaymentDate*is* | Date of first payment. * Note: Used with Deferred Fees. |
*is*PROP:InvoiceAmount*is* | Total amount of invoice items charged to parent. |
*is*PROP:InvoiceDate*is* | Date of invoice. * |
*is*PROP:LastName*is* | Student last name within in-progress form. ** |
*is*PROP:LastPaymentAmount*is* | Amount of last payment. Note: Used with Deferred Fees. |
*is*PROP:LastPaymentDate*is* | Date of last payment. * Note: Used with Deferred Fees. |
*is*PROP:LastSavedDataEntryPageIndex*is* | Index of last form page accessed by parent. |
*is*PROP:OutstandingAmount*is* | Outstanding amount due. Note: Used with Deferred Fees. |
*is*PROP:PaymentAmount*is* | Total amount paid by parent. |
*is*PROP:UserAccountEmailAddress*is* | Parent account email address. |
*is*SchoolRecsLink*is* | Generates a hyperlink to schoolrecs, with text reading "schoolrecs". |
*is*Submission:DateSubmitted*is* | Date form submitted by parent. * |
*is*Submission:ID*is* | ID for submission record. |
*is*Submission:TimeSubmitted*is* | Time form submitted by parent. * |
*is*SubmissionRejectionReason*is* | The reason a submission record was rejected. |
*is*SubmissionUpdateUrl*is* | The hyperlink to the published form. |
*is*SubmissionUpdateAccessCode*is* | Use this token for published public forms where the parent must enter the student’s date of birth along with a unique 6-digit access code shared in the email. Alternatively, this code can be obtained from the School or District staff from the Submission Workspace view. The Update Submission Access Code token does not apply to Restricted or Private Forms. |
*is*TOKEN:CurrentDate*is* | Current date * |
*is*TOKEN:HostLinkUrl*is* | Generates a generic URL to the family portal. |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceRemovedAssignment*is* | Generates a table including the names of the seating unit levels (for example, school name, grade level, program name) where the seats are defined and where the student is on the removed list. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceRemovedAssignmentAllLevels*is* | Generates a table including the names of all seating unit levels (for example, school name, grade level, program name) where the student is on the removed list. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceRemovedAssignmentLevel1*is* | Generates a table including the names of the highest most seating unit levels (for example, school name) where the student is on the removed list. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceRemovedAssignmentLevel2*is* | Generates a table including the names of the second highest seating unit levels (for example, school name) where the student is on the removed list. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceRemovedAssignmentLevel3*is* | Generates a table including the names of the lowest seating unit levels (for example, school name) where the student is on the removed list. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceResultURL*is* | Generates a URL to the student's lottery results. Note: Only applicable when School Choice Result Notification & Decision Response is enabled. |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceSeatAssignment*is* | Generates a table including the name of the seating unit level (for example, school name, grade level, program name, seat status, seat acceptance deadline) where the seats are defined and where the student is on the seated list, and the student's placement on the seated list. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceSeatAssignmentAllLevels*is* | Generates a table including the names of all seating unit levels (for example, school name, grade level, program name, seat status, seat acceptance deadline) where the student is on the seated list and the student's placement on the seated list. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceSeatAssignmentLevel1*is* | Generates a table including the name of the highest most seating unit level (for example, school name, seat status, seat acceptance deadline) where the student is on the seated list and the student's placement on the seated list. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceSeatAssignmentLevel2*is* | Generates a table including the name of the second highest seating unit level (for example, grade level, seat status, seat acceptance deadline) where the student is on the seated list and the student's placement on the seated list. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceSeatAssignmentLevel3*is* | Generates a table including the name of the lowest seating unit level (for example, program name, seat status, seat acceptance deadline) where the student is on the seated list and the student's placement on the seated list. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SeatAcceptanceDeadlineTimeframe*is* | This token will render within a School Choice email or letter as the defined numerical value entered into the Deadline Timeframe configuration item. If this token is in use, but the Seat Acceptance Deadline feature is disabled, it will render as blank in the email or letter. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SeatAcceptanceAlreadyAcceptedDeadlineTimeframe*is* | This token will render within a School Choice email or letter as the defined numerical value entered into the Already Accepted Deadline Timeframe configuration item. If this token is in use, but the Seat Acceptance Deadline feature is disabled or Already Accepted Deadline Timeframe is empty, it will render as blank in the email or letter. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SeatAcceptanceDeadlines*is* | This token will render within a School Choice email or letter as a comma-separated list of deadlines associated with the student’s choice or choices in chronological order (earliest to latest). If a student has multiple choices with the same deadline, the deadline date is not repeated. If the student has no choices that currently have seat acceptance deadlines set, this token will render as " - ". If this token is in use but the Seat Acceptance Deadline feature is disabled, it will render as blank in the email or letter. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SeatAcceptanceDeadlineChoice#*is* *is*TOKEN:SeatAcceptanceDeadlineChoice$n*is* | This token will render within a School Choice email or letter as the set seat acceptance deadline for choice #, where the # is the amount of choices available to the student. The user can add as many of these tokens as there are choices. If the choice has no seat acceptance deadline set, this token will render as " - ". If this token is in use but the Seat Acceptance Deadline feature is disabled, it will render as blank in the email or letter. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceStudentName*is* | Concatenation of student's first name + " " + middle name + " " + last name. ** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignments*is* | Generates a table including the names of the seating unit levels (for example, school name, grade level, program name) where the seats are defined and where the student is on the waitlist, the student's placement on the waitlists, and the number of total students on the waitlists. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsAllLevels*is* | Generates a table including the names of all seating unit levels (for example, school name, grade level, program name) where the student is on the waitlist, the student's placement on the waitlists, and the number of total students on the waitlists. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsAllLevelsShowPositionOnly*is* | Generates a table including the student's placement on the waitlists and the number of total students on the waitlists. |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsAllLevelsShowSchoolOnly*is* | Generates a table including the names of all seating unit levels (for example, school name, grade level, program name) where the student is on the waitlist. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel1*is* | Generates a table including the names of the highest most seating unit levels (for example, school name) where the student is on the waitlist, the student's placement on the waitlists, and the number of total students on the waitlists. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel1ShowPositionOnly*is* | Generates a table including the student's placement on the highest most seating unit levels' waitlists, and the number of total students on the waitlists. |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel1ShowPositionOnlyNoTable*is* | Student's placement on the highest most seating unit levels' waitlists, and the number of total students on the waitlists, comma separated. |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel1ShowSchoolOnly*is* | Generates a table including the names of the highest most seating unit levels (for example, school name) where the student is on the waitlist. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel1ShowSchoolOnlyNoTable*is* | Names of the highest most seating unit levels (for example, school name) where the student is on the waitlist, comma-separated. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel2*is* | Generates a table including the names of the second highest seating unit levels (for example, grade level) where the student is on the waitlist, the student's placement on the waitlists, and the number of total students on the waitlists. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel2ShowPositionOnly*is* | Generates a table including the student's placement on the second highest seating unit levels' waitlists, and the number of total students on the waitlists. |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel2ShowPositionOnlyNoTable*is* | Student's placement on the second highest seating unit levels' waitlists, and the number of total students on the waitlists, comma-separated. |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel2ShowSchoolOnly*is* | Generates a table including the names of the second highest seating unit levels (for example, grade level) where the student is on the waitlist. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel2ShowSchoolOnlyNoTable*is* | Names of the second highest seating unit levels (for example, grade level) where the student is on the waitlist, comma-separated. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel3*is* | Generates a table including the names of the lowest seating unit levels (for example, program name) where the student is on the waitlist, the student's placement on the waitlist, and the number of total students on the waitlist. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel3ShowPositionOnly*is* | Generates a table including the student's placement on the lowest seating unit levels' waitlists, and the number of total students on the waitlists. |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel3ShowPositionOnlyNoTable*is* | Students' placement on the lowest seating unit levels' waitlists, and the number of total students on the waitlists, comma-separated. |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel3ShowSchoolOnly*is* | Generates a table including the names of the lowest seating unit levels (for example, program name) where the student is on the waitlist. *** |
*is*TOKEN:SchoolChoiceWaitlistAssignmentsLevel3ShowSchoolOnlyNoTable*is* | Names of the lowest seating unit levels (for example, program name) where the student is on the waitlist, comma-separated. *** |
*is*TOKEN:Snapcode*is* | Snapcode |
*is*TOKEN:SnapcodeHyperlink:EN*is* | Generates a hyperlink to the live form in English with the Snapcode embedded within it. Note: Supports each of the supported culture codes:
*is*UserAccount:EmailAddress*is* | Parent account email address. |
*is*UserAccount:FirstName*is* | Account holder first name within parent account. |
*is*UserAccount:LastName*is* | Account holder last name within parent account. |
*is*UserAccount:UpdateAccountLink*is* | Generates a hyperlink to the account page in the family portal, with text reading "Update Your Email Address". |
<% IF(*is*$FieldName*is* == '$Value') %> CONTENT HERE <% END %> | This syntax is used to conditionally display content to parents outside of the main form pages (which instead would be done using Show-If logic). The <% IF(*is*$FieldName*is* == '$Value') %> syntax is used to start the section, and the <% END %> syntax is used to end the section. The <% IF(*is*$FieldName*is* == '$Value') %> syntax is also used to define the condition that must be met in order for the content to be displayed, where $FieldName is the name of the desired form field and where $Value is the desired value. Example: <% IF(*is*stu_Grade*is* == '9') %> Supported evaluators:
Support operators:
Note: Parentheses ("(", ")") can be used to group expressions together logically. Note: If looking for an empty value, $Value should be empty. Example: <% IF((*is*stu_Grade*is* == 'PK' || *is*stu_Grade*is* == 'K') && *is*stu_School*is* != '' ) %> "CONTENT HERE" can be replaced with the custom content desired to be shown to the parent in this scenario. |