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Print Templates


Use Print templates to generate PDF reports of submission data for both parents and administrators. Examples include full copies of form submissions, home language survey reports, emergency cards, and more. For a video overview of Print Template configuration, refer to Form Builder- Print Templates.

Print templates are only available if the feature is enabled and you are assigned the Configuration role. 

  1. From the main menu, choose Configuration, then Form Builder.
  2. Select the form you want to work with.
  3. Select the Print Templates tab.

Print Template Types

There are three types of print templates:

  • All Fields / Auto Layout: Use this template to pull in every form element, using the default layout. This is often used to provide parents with a copy of their submitted information.
  • Custom Fields / Auto Layout: Use this template to pull in custom subsets of form elements, using the default layout. This is often used to provide school or district staff with a quick PDF report that contains a subset of pertinent information.
  • Custom Fields / Custom Layout: Use this template to define custom content and layout using a rich-text editor or directly in HTML. This is often used to provide school or district staff with a custom PDF report that adheres to page size or formatting requirements.

Create a Print Template

  1. Click Create Template.
  2. Choose a template type.
  3. Enter the template properties

  4. Click Save.

Edit a Print Template

  1. Click the Name of the print template you want to edit.
  2. Update the template properties
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click the Name of the print template you want to preview.
  5. To view the template in preview mode, click Preview.
  6. Click Save.

Share a Print Template

  • To make the print template available to parents and administrators, you must publish the form.
  • To make a new print template available to parents, it must also be referenced on the Submission Confirmation page of the form using the appropriate token. This must be done prior to publishing.
  • To make a new print template available to administrators, you must permit the print template to the appropriate profiles. This is done after publishing.

Delete a Print Template

  1. Click the Delete (trash) icon next to the print template you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete to confirm.

Print Template Properties




Enter a unique name that is no longer than 200 characters.

Choose Form Elements

Select the form elements you want to appear in the print template. This option is only applicable if Custom Fields / Auto Layout is selected.

  1. Click Choose Form Elements.
  2. To select or deselect all form elements, select the checkbox in the header row.
  3. To select an individual form element, select the checkbox next to the element.
  4. Click Choose.

By default, your organization name and the print template name appear centered at the top of the page just under the header.

Select the Customize Title checkbox and use the rich-text editor to customize the title. You may include tokens.

This option is only applicable if Auto Fields / Auto Layout or Custom Fields / Auto Layout is selected.


By default, the header displays your organization name on the left and the form name along with the student's name on the right.

Use the text inputs to enter the content you want to appear, including tokens.

Select the Customize Header on First Page checkbox and enter different values for the header on the first page of the template.


Use the rich-text editor to enter and format the content you want to appear, including links, images, tables, and tokens.

Click Source to edit the HTML directly.

Click Import Content to import content from another template. This will replace the existing content.

This option is only applicable if Custom Fields / Custom Layout is selected.


By default, the footer displays the submission date of the form on the left and the page number of the PDF on the right.

Use the text inputs to enter the content you want to appear, including tokens.

Select the Customize Footer on First Page checkbox and enter different values for the footer on the first page of the template.

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