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Submission Workspace


The Submission workspace applies to Public, Restricted, and Private-level forms. The data stored in this workspace was updated by the family user and returned to the school district.  

Every online form has a Submission workspace. Only data from forms that were successfully submitted appears in this workspace.

The primary objectives of the Submission workspace are:

  1. Review and update the submitted data.
  2. Approve records that meet your criteria.
  3. Deliver the data back to the Student Information System.

Parent Email Communication

As part of the Parent Account Email Communication feature, email communications can now be sent to the linked parent account email address. Parent Account Email-related properties will show the correct value based on the state of the Submission record.

When sending Submission communications (recurring emails, individual and batch communications) given the PROP:UserAccountEmailAddress is configured as an Email Recipient Field Mapping:

  • If the published action is Public, the PROP:UserAccountEmailAddress is treated as if it is empty.

  • If the published action is Restricted or Private, but the linked family account is a cell phone account, the PROP:UserAccountEmailAddress is treated as if it is empty.

  • If the published action is Restricted or Private, but the linked family account is an anonymous account, the PROP:UserAccountEmailAddress is treated as if it is empty.

  • If the published action is Restricted or Private, but the linked family account is currently in the PendingEmailVerification status, the PROP:UserAccountEmailAddress is treated as if it is empty.

  • If the published action is Restricted or Private, and the linked family account is not a cell phone account, nor an anonymous account, nor in the PendingEmailVerification status, the PROP:UserAccountEmailAddress is treated as non-empty and used in the communication.

Email Preview displays the PROP:UserAccountEmailAddress value according to mentioned rules (either blank if it does not pass the rules or the User Account email address if it does).

When the parent account is in the Pending Email Verification status due to the Parent Account Email Verification feature, any linked parent account email address displayed within or exported from the Submission Workspace will have “(pending verification)" appended. For example, (pending verification).

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