A view in a workspace represents a stage in the workflow. Each view has a set of tasks that can be applied to records available within the view. You can update the record data columns and default sort order in the Views Configuration settings.
Refer to the School Choice workspace for information on views and tasks specific to that workspace.
Default Views
The following table contains the default views and related tasks for the Roster, Pre-Submission, and Submission workspaces.
View | Description | Tasks | Workspace |
All Roster Records | View all Roster records regardless of status. |
| Roster |
Unsubmitted | The Unsubmitted view contains Notified/Not Started and Started records, which include records that were notified and have started or not yet started, and not yet submitted by the families. The Unsubmitted view can be used to send reminder communications. |
| Roster |
Imported / Added | This is the initial status of student roster records after they are imported into the workspace. Records are imported either through batch upload or added one at a time. It is from this view that users can send out notifications to families and invite them to complete the form process. Users can validate the records that meet basic requirements prior to sending notifications. Notification is linked to snapcode generation. Once the letter or email notifications have been generated, the records will automatically be assigned snapcodes and move to the next view. |
| Roster |
Notified / Not Started | This view will show you all records where the family has been notified but has not yet accessed the form. From this view, users can send reminder communications or place records on hold. Additionally, users can still edit roster data while records are in this view. As soon as a family accesses the online form, their record will move to the Started view. |
| Roster |
Started | Displays records that have been started by families but not yet submitted. Once a record has been started, it is locked to editing. Any changes that need to be made to it will have to occur once it is submitted in the Submission Workspace. From this view, users can send reminder communications or place records on hold. |
| Roster |
Submitted | Displays submitted records. These records will now also appear in the Submission Workspace. No family-updated data will be shown on the record in the Roster Workspace. |
| Roster |
On Hold | Displays any records that have been placed on hold. By placing records on hold, users can lock the record and prevent the family from accessing and submitting the form. To give a family access to the form again, users must remove the hold from the record. The Hold task is only available to records in the Notified / Not Started, Started, and Unsubmitted Views. |
| Roster |
Discarded | Displays records that have been discarded. Discarded records are held separately from the rest of the roster records and will not be submitted unless they are actively recovered. The Discarded view operates like a recycle bin. |
| Roster |
In-Progress | Displays in-progress records that have not yet been submitted. |
| Pre-Submission |
Pending Approval | Displays records that have been imported into the Submission Workspace and have not been approved. All records in this view will have a status of Pending Approval. Before being approved, these records must go through the agreed-upon approval procedure. Once these records meet the approval criteria, they can be approved for delivery. |
| Submission |
Approved | Displays records that have been visually inspected and processed as dictated by your procedures. All records in this view have a status of Approved and have met the approval criteria set forth. |
| Submission |
Pending Delivery | Displays records that have been approved but not delivered. All records in this view will have a status of Pending Delivery. As records listed in this view are both approved and undelivered, there will be an overlap with the records in the Approved View. |
| Submission |
Rejected | Displays records that have been rejected by school or district staff. This view is enabled when the Reject Submissions feature is enabled. The Rejected column in this view displays the last rejection date associated with the rejected record. |
| Submission |
Delivered | Shows all records that have been successfully delivered back to your database. Once delivered, the student’s information will remain in the workspace for future reference and to run reports and print submissions. |
| Submission |
All Submissions | Displays all imported, submitted records that have not been discarded. This view is a helpful way to see all submitted records in one place, regardless of status. |
| Submission |
Discarded | Displays records that have been discarded. Discarded records are held separately from the rest of the submissions and will not be deliverable unless they are actively recovered. The Discarded View operates like a recycle bin where test or erroneous submissions can be discarded and still be accessed, if necessary, and brought back into the pool of submissions. |
| Submission |