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Pre-Submission Workspace


The Pre-submission workspace is for Restricted-level forms only. It shows in-progress forms as families are filling them out and saving them prior to submission. 

Records in the workspace are displayed by In-Progress view and can be selected to complete tasks, such as notifying families that have started an application.

After a form is fully submitted, it is moved to the Submission workspace.

Parent Email Communication

As part of the Parent Account Email Communication feature, email communications can now be sent to the linked parent account email address.

When sending Pre-Submission individual and batch communications:

  • If the linked account is a cell phone-based account, an anonymous account, or in the Pending Email Verification status, the email address is treated as if it is empty, ensuring that only verified email addresses are used for communications.

  • If the form is a Public form, the parent account email address is treated as if it is empty.
  • If the linked account is not a cell phone-based account, nor an anonymous account, or in the Pending Email Verification status, the linked account’s email address is used in the communication.

When the parent account is in the Pending Email Verification status due to the Parent Account Email Verification feature, any linked parent account email address displayed within or exported from the Pre-Submission Workspace will have “(pending verification)" appended. For example, (pending verification).

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