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Rules - Configuration


Rules are sets of criteria that are used in various areas of the application. Use the Rules page to create and manage rules to be used as filters, permission rules, and auto-tagging rules.

  • Filters are used throughout the workspaces. They can be used by school or district staff to locate specific subsets of records within workspaces. They can also be used to define which subset of students will receive recurring emails. 
  • Permission Rules are applied to school or district staff accounts to limit what records they are able to see. 
  • Auto-Tagging Rules are used to automatically apply tags to a set of records. 

To access the Rules configuration for a form, choose Configuration from the main menu, then General. Choose the form on the Student Data page, then select the Rules tab.

The PROP:UserAccountEmailAddress field will be available for configuration within Rules for the Roster or Submission workspace regardless of the Parent Account Email Verification feature. If the access level is Restricted or Private, the PROP:UserAccountEmailAddress will be available to select in an expression when a user is configuring any rule/filter.

Add a Rule

  1. Click Create Rule.
  2. Fill out the rule properties.
  3. To add another rule, click Add Rule and enter the information as needed.
  4. To delete a rule, click the Delete (trash) icon.
  5. To add another group of rules, click Add Group.
  6. To delete a grouping, click Delete Group.
  7. Click Save.

Edit a Rule

  1. Click the Name of the rule you want to edit.
  2. Update the rule properties as needed.
  3. Click Save.

Duplicate a Rule

  1. Click the More (…) icon on the rule you want to duplicate.
  2. Choose Duplicate.
  3. Update the rule properties as needed.
  4. Click Save.

Delete a Rule

  1. Click the More (…) icon on the rule you want to delete.
  2. Choose Delete....
  3. Click Delete to confirm.

Rule Properties




Enter a unique name. The name cannot be longer than 100 characters.


Select the applicable options:

  • Filter: Make this rule available as a filter in Student Data.
  • Tag Rule: Make this rule available within Tags when creating a Custom Auto-Tagging Rule.
  • Permission Rule: Make this rule available when setting permissions on a profile.

Filter Permissions

These options appear when Filter is selected as a Category.

  • Select the Roster checkbox to make the filter available in the Roster workspace. This option is only applicable for Private forms.
  • Select the Submission checkbox to make the filter available in the Submission workspace.
  • To grant users access to this filter, select an appropriate Profile.
    • Click Add Profile to add another profile.
    • Click the Delete (trash) icon to remove a profile.
[Operator]Select one of the following:
  • AND if all rules must be true.
  • OR if only one of the rules must be true.

 [Field]Choose a property or field from the first drop-down list.
 [Evaluator]Choose the appropriate evaluator from the second drop-down list. Available evaluators are dependent on the type of property or field selected.
  • is
  • is not
  • is blank
  • is not blank
  • is checked
  • is not checked
  • in
  • not in
  • contains
  • does not contain
  • begins with
  • ends with
  • less than
  • greater than
  • less than or equal to
  • greater than or equal to
  • is before
  • is after
  • is on or before
  • is on or after

Enter the value.

When using the in or not in evaluators, use pipe characters ( | ) to separate values in the list of values to query within. For example, K|1|2|3|4|5.

The value field does not apply if is blank, is not blank, is checked, or is not checked is selected as the evaluator.

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