Property Index
Properties are common data points that are always accessible regardless of configuration. However, depending on the configuration of a form, some properties may be empty. Properties are sometimes referenced with a prefix of "PROP:" (for example, "PROP:FirstName").
Property Name | Description | Supported Workspace |
AcceptanceStatus | Status of offered seat acceptance. |
ActionSessionID | The ID of the in-progress form. |
ApprovalDate | Date of last record approval. * |
ApprovalHistory | Approval history with record. |
ContractCountersigned | Mapped to form field used to indicate whether the contract has been countersigned by the school. ** |
CustomDate1 | Mapped to form field intended to store a date. ** |
CustomDate2 | Mapped to form field intended to store a date. ** |
CustomDate3 | Mapped to form field intended to store a date. ** |
CustomDate4 | Mapped to form field intended to store a date. ** |
CustomDecimal1 | Mapped to form field intended to store a decimal. ** |
CustomDecimal2 | Mapped to form field intended to store a decimal. ** |
CustomDecimal3 | Mapped to form field intended to store a decimal. ** |
CustomDecimal4 | Mapped to form field intended to store a decimal. ** |
CustomInt1 | Mapped to form field intended to store an integer. ** |
CustomInt2 | Mapped to form field intended to store an integer. ** |
CustomInt3 | Mapped to form field intended to store an integer. ** |
CustomInt4 | Mapped to form field intended to store an integer. ** |
CustomStatus | Custom School Choice Workspace Status. |
CustomString1 | Mapped to form field intended to store a string. ** |
CustomString2 | Mapped to form field intended to store a string. ** |
CustomString3 | Mapped to form field intended to store a string. ** |
CustomString4 | Mapped to form field intended to store a string. ** |
DateLastAccessed | Date form last accessed by the parent. * |
DateOfBirth | Mapped to form field used to store student date of birth. ** |
DateStarted | Date form started by the parent. * |
DeliveryDate | Date of last delivery of data. * |
DeliveryHistory | Delivery history with record. |
DeliveryTime | Time of last delivery of data. * |
EligibilityDeadlineStatus | Status of student's choice meeting the seating unit's eligibility deadline. |
EligibilityStatus | Status of seated list eligibility. |
EmailAddress | Mapped to potentially multiple form fields used to store email address, and stores just the first present email. ** |
EmailHistory | Email history with record. |
EmailNotificationValidationErrors | List of email notification validation errors. |
EmailNotificationValidationStatus | Status of email notification validation. |
EnrollStatus | Mapped to form field used to store enroll status. ** |
ExternalFamilyID | Mapped to form field used to store family ID. ** |
ExternalStudentID | Mapped to form field used to store student ID. ** |
FamilyID | The ID of the parent account response for starting the form. |
FamilyMemberID | The ID of the student within the parent account. |
FirstName | Mapped to form field used to store student first name. ** |
FirstPaymentDate | Date of the first payment; used with Deferred Fees. * |
FullName | Concatenation of FirstName + " " + MiddleName + " " + LastName. ** |
Grade | Mapped to form field used to store grade. ** |
Household | Mapped to form field used to store household. ** |
Imported | Roster: Date record imported/added to Roster. Submission: Date record imported to Submission. |
ImportedDateTime | Date and time record imported/added to Roster. * |
InvoiceAmount | The total amount of invoice items charged to the parent. |
InvoiceDate | Date of the invoice. * |
InvoiceItems | List of items or fees on the invoice. |
IPAddress | IP Address used by the parent to submit the form. |
Language | The language used by the parent when filling out the form. |
LastName | Mapped to form field used to store student last name. ** |
LastPaymentAmount | Amount of last payment; used with Deferred Fees. |
LastPaymentDate | Date of last payment; used with Deferred Fees. * |
LastRemittanceAmount | Amount of the last remittance in relation to the payment made by the parent. |
LastRemittanceDate | Date of the last remittance, including payment of funds in relation to the payment made by the parent. * |
LastSavedDataEntryPageIndex | Index of last form page accessed by the parent. |
LetterHistory | Letter history with record. |
LetterNotificationValidationErrors | List of letter notification validation errors. |
LetterNotificationValidationStatus | Status of letter notification validation. |
LinkRecCommonID | The ID shared by linked records. |
LotteryPriority | The priority level of student's choice. |
LotteryRandomNumber | Random number assigned to student's choice. |
LotteryWeighting | Weighting value applied to student's choice. |
MiddleName | Mapped to form field used to store student middle name. ** |
Notes | Roster: Notes within roster record. Submission: Notes within submission record. |
NotificationDate | Date record notified / snapcode generated. * |
OutstandingAmount | Outstanding amount due; used with Deferred Fees. |
PaymentAmount | Total amount paid by parent (InvoiceAmount + TotalFamilyPaymentManagementFeeAmount + TotalTaxAmount). |
PaymentDate | Date of payment. * |
PaymentMethod | Name payment method. |
PaymentType | Type of payment method (Check, Credit Card, Electronic Check, Waiver). |
PublishedActionTitle | Name of the form (in English). |
Rejected | The most recent date a form submission was rejected. |
RosterNotes | Notes within roster record. |
School | Mapped to form field used to store school. ** |
Sibling1Alias | Alias for second student (first sibling) within submission record. ** |
Sibling2Alias | Alias for third student (second sibling) within submission record. ** |
Sibling3Alias | Alias for fourth student (third sibling) within submission record. ** |
Snapcode | Snapcode (only applicable to Private forms). |
Started | Date form started by the parent. * |
Status | Status of record. |
StudentAlias | Submission: Alias for the first or only student within the submission record. ** School Choice: Alias for the student. ** |
SubmissionDateTime | The date and time a form was submitted by the parent. * |
SubmissionFamilyID | The ID of the parent account responsible for submitting the form. |
SubmissionRecordID | The ID for the submission record. |
SubmissionTime | The time a form was submitted by the parent. * |
SubmissionUpdateAccessCode | The six-digit access code required to re-access a previously submitted Public form. |
SubmissionUpdateDate | The date of the most recent form re-submission. |
Submitted | Date form submitted by the parent. * |
SWMAllStudentsMatched | Boolean indicating whether all students (primary student and up to three siblings) within the submission record have a Submission Workspace Match status of matched. |
SWMMatchStatus | Submission Workspace Match status for the primary or only student within the submission record. |
SWMMatchStatusSibling1 | Submission Workspace Match status for the second student (first sibling) within the submission record. |
SWMMatchStatusSibling2 | Submission Workspace Match status for the third student (second sibling) within the submission record. |
SWMMatchStatusSibling3 | Submission Workspace Match status for the fourth student (third sibling) within the submission record. |
Tags | Tags currently applied to the record. |
TotalFamilyPaymentManagementFeeAmount | Total payment management fee (PMF) amount paid by the parent. |
TotalFeeAmount | Total fee amount paid by parent (InvoiceAmount + TotalFamilyPaymentManagementFeeAmount). |
TotalPaymentManagementFeeAmount | Total payment management fee (PMF) amount paid. |
TotalRemittanceAdjustmentAmount | Total adjustment amount. |
TotalRemittanceAmount | The total amount remitted, less any adjustments. |
TotalRemittancePaymentAmount | Total amount paid by parent once remittance has occurred (TotalRemittanceAmount + TotalRemittancePaymentManagementFee + TotalRemittanceTransactionFee + TotalRemittanceTransactionProcessingFee). |
TotalRemittancePaymentManagementFee | Total payment management fee (PMF) amount incurred. |
TotalRemittanceTransactionFee | Total transaction fee amount incurred. |
TotalRemittanceTransactionProcessingFee | Total transaction processing fee amount incurred. |
TotalSchoolPaymentManagementFeeAmount | Total payment management fee (PMF) amount paid by the school. |
TotalTaxAmount | Total tax amount paid by the parent. |
UserAccountEmailAddress | Parent account email address. |
* All dates and times are in Central Time
** Property must be mapped to the appropriate form field by a PowerSchool Specialist
Additional Information
SubmissionFamilyID is empty for all form submissions created before the introduction of this property, but will be populated for all new submissions going forward. When empty, the FamilyID property can be used to discern the related parent account.
SubmissionFamilyID is empty for Public form submissions, given Public forms are not tied to parent accounts.