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Get Started

Welcome to PowerSchool! PowerSchool helps your school access and maintain student, staff, and schedule information. PowerSchool is a database application that runs on a server, which is the center of your student information system. PowerSchool uses the Internet to facilitate student information management and communication among school administrators, teachers, parents, and students.

The PowerSchool Student and Parent portal is a tool that is integrated into the PowerSchool Student Information System (SIS) that is specifically developed for parents and students.

The PowerSchool Student and Parent portal gives parents and students access to real-time information including attendance, grades and detailed assignment descriptions, school bulletins, lunch menus and even personal messages from the teacher. Everyone stays connected: Students stay on top of assignments, parents are able to participate more fully in their student's progress, and teachers can use their gradebook to make decisions on what information they want to share with parents and students.

Start Page

When you sign in to the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal, the start page appears. This page serves as the central point from which you begin your PowerSchool Student and Parent portal session.


The header appears at the top of the start page, and is common to every page in the application. The header includes the following information:




Click to return to the start page from anywhere within the application.

Welcome, [Your Name]

The first and last name of the person signed in. Your name should appear. If it does not, contact your school’s PowerSchool administrator.

In an effort to ensure that your account is secure, and your information protected, the date and time of the last time you signed in appears when you hover over your name. This information can be used to alert you to any unusual account activity. If you experience any unusual account activity, report it to your school.


Click to access the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal online help. Assistance is just a click away!

Sign Out

Click to sign out of the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal.

Navigation Toolbar

The navigation toolbar appears at the top of the start page just below the header, and is common to every page in the application. The navigation toolbar includes the following information:



[Student Tabs]

The first names of the students associated to your parent account appear in alphabetical order. Click the name of the student for whom you want to view information. The page refreshes and display information for the selected student.

If you click the name of a student and the message “Student information is not available at this time.” appears, contact your school’s PowerSchool administrator.

[Applications Button]

If you have access to PowerSchool Learning, you can access it from this button.

  1. Click the button (an upward-right arrow). The Applications drawer slides into view.
  2. Click the Application link you want to launch. The application launches in a separate window (or tab depending on your browser settings).

    Note: The window that appears is not served by PowerSchool. It is rendered from a separate server. If the window does not launch, contact your school's PowerSchool administrator.

    Note: If you are not actively working in the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal, your session may time out. If so, you need to sign in again.

  3. When you are finished working in the application, be sure to sign out of the application.
  4. When you are finished working in the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal, be sure to sign out of the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal.

Note: This button only appears if a plugin has been installed and enabled and you have been granted access to the plugin.

[MyData Button]

Click to download your students’ data, including grades and attendance, in an XML-formatted file that you can store on your computer and use it in other applications, providing a comprehensive view of your students’ learning profile throughout the students’ educational career. The MyData button is a joint project between the Office of Educational Technology and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy that, among other goals, allows access to student data in order to create a personal learning profile that is easily portable.

Note: This button may not appear if the school has not enabled it.

[Notifications Button]

Click the exclamation point to access the Notifications pop-up. The Password Security section displays the date and time of the last time you signed in. The display appears when you hover over your name. This information can be used to alert you to any unusual account activity. If you experience any unusual account activity, report it to your school.

[Printer Button]

Click to print a printer-friendly version of the page you are viewing. Additionally, the page includes the name of the selected student and the school and school district for that student.

Navigation Menu

The main menu appears on the left side of the start page. Links are grouped by functional area making it quick and easy to access the information you need. The navigation menu includes the following links:

Note: The navigation menu may include additional links to functionality that your district has enabled.

District Code

The main menu also displays your four-digit district code. Enter this code in the PowerSchool Mobile app to allow you to sign in to your district.

Note: This code appears if the PowerSchool server is registered with the mobile service server. If the server is not registered, this field does not appear.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.