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Grades and Attendance

The Grades and Attendance page displays comprehensive information about a student's grades and attendance for the current term. If the student is enrolled in classes at more than one school, tabs are displayed for all enrolled schools with the home school tab listed first. If a room has been defined for a section, the room number appears next to the teacher's name.

View Current Grades and Attendance Information

  1. On the start page, select Grades and Attendance.

  2. When reviewing grades, the Score column displays the number of points earned out of the number of points possible. If the assignment was weighted, the multiplier appears in parenthesis. Hover over the cell for more information on how the assignment weight impacts the grade calculation.
  3. Click on a number hyperlink in any column to view more information.

Review Class Information

  1. On the start page, click Grades and Attendance
  2. The Course column displays the classes the student is currently enrolled in.

Email a Teacher

To email a teacher, your browser must be configured to automatically open an email application, and the email application must be configured to send messages. 

  1. On the start page, select Grades and Attendance
  2. In the Course column, click the Email link of the teacher to whom you want to send an email. 
  3. Follow the prompts to send the email.

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