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Add SAML Applications in SSO Identity Providers

The instructions provided are intended to guide administrators to set up the external identity providers for PowerSchool applications that use SAML. There may be additional settings that you can configure for the applications or the external identity providers may have changed their interface. 


Follow the instructions to set up your own custom SAML application provided by Google.

Microsoft Azure

For Performance Matters, add the PowerSchool Performance Matters app from the Gallery in Microsoft Azure.

For other applications that use SAML, add a non-gallery app in Microsoft Azure. 

The instructions provided are intended to guide administrators to set up PowerSchool applications that use SAML. There may be additional settings that you can configure for the applications or Microsoft may have updated the interface. Refer to Microsoft documentation on add an application using SAML. 

  1. Go to as an admin of the IdP service. Then, search for and select Azure Active Directory.
  2. Select Enterprise Applications.
  3. Select New Application, and then select Create Your Own Application
  4. Enter the application name and select the Integrate any other application you don’t find in the gallery option.
  5. Select Create.
  6. Select the Set up single sign on option, and then select SAML.
  7. Edit the Basic SAML Configuration fields. Enter the PowerSchool application settings for Identified (Entity ID) and Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL).
  8. Copy the identity provider settings for the Login URL and Azure AD Identifier so you can enter the values into the PowerSchool application.
  9. Download the Certificate (Base 64) so you can upload it or copy the contents of it to the PowerSchool application.

SSO for PowerSchool Applications with SAML

The following topics describe setting up SSO for applications that use SAML.


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