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View Standards Grades

The Standards Grades tab displays the student's standards grades and comments. By default, only classes currently in progress appear.

  1. On the start page, click the Student Information (backpack) icon of the class you want to work with.
  2. Click the name of the student you want to work with.
  3. Choose Quick Lookup from the Select screens pop-up menu.
  4. Click the Standards Grades tab. The Standards Grades tab appears. On this page, you can perform any of the following tasks:
    • Click Show Completed Classes to view standards grades for completed classes.
    • Click Hide Completed Classes to view only the classes for the current term.
    • If a score appears as a link, click to view score comments.
    • Click the name of the standard to view the following details:
      • Teacher
      • Course
      • Standard Name
      • Gradescale
      • Gradescale Description
      • Gradescale Details

If the student is enrolled in any special programs, the Attendance By Program section of the page displays attendance for any special programs in which the student is enrolled. The special programs must be set to appear on the Quick Lookup page; for more information, contact your school's system administrator.

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