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Take Seating Chart Attendance

You can enter attendance directly on the Seating Chart for a single day. Attendance can be recorded for students who appear on the Seating Chart, and those who are in the Student Selection bar if the student is eligible to have attendance recorded.

To create a seating chart layout, see Create a Seating Chart Layout.

The Add Students/Student Selection bar displays students dependent on the Preferences setting in PowerTeacher Gradebook. The Hide pre-registered students option determines whether to display these students or not. If the preference is selected, the students are not eligible to have attendance taken on the seating chart. These student photos appear shaded with an icon that denotes the pre-registered status. In addition, students who have been removed from the seating chart for any reason display in the Student Selection bar.

Student photos that display OT in the upper right corner indicates that the student is off-track, and attendance cannot be entered.

The following controls are available:



Layout Selection

Saved seating chart layouts appear on the Layout Selection pop-up menu. Use the pop-up menu to select a layout.


Click Edit to modify the name and description of the layout. You can also select a layout to be the default layout that displays when you access the seating chart.

Random Student Selector

Click the Select button to highlight a student on the seating chart in order to promote class participation.

Attendance Code, Date, Period, Interval

Select the attendance code and date in order to enter attendance directly on the Seating Chart.

Student Selection Bar

Students who are not places on a seating chart layout, or students who are pre-registered for a class, appear in the Student Selection bar. If the attendance pop-up menu displays on the student photo, you can enter attendance for these students.


Click to submit the attendance codes and comments for the selected date.

Zoom Slider Bar

Use the slider bar to increase or decrease the size of the Seating Chart.

  1. On the start page, click the Seating Chart (grid and chair) icon next to the class for which you want to take attendance. The Seating Chart [Section] page appears.
  2. On the Attendance Code pop-up menu, select the attendance code.

  3. On the Date pop-up menu, select the date for which you want to enter attendance.
  4. Use one of the following methods to enter the applicable attendance code:
    • Click on a student photo, and the code selected from the Attendance Code pop-up menu automatically displays on the attendance pop-up menu on the student photo.
    • Click in the attendance pop-up menu on the student photo to select a different attendance code, if needed. You can navigate the list of codes on the pop-up menu using the arrow keys.
    • Click in a field and type the attendance code directly in the field.
  5. When an attendance code is entered, a comment icon appears. Click the icon to enter an attendance comment on the Edit Comments pop-up. Click OK to enter the comment for the student's attendance record.
  6. When finished entering attendance and comments, click Submit.
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