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View Teacher Comments

The Teacher Comments page displays any comment that a teacher has entered regarding a student, such as a student's achievement or behavior. To enter comments in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal, use the Final Grade Entry pages. Once a comment is entered, it can be viewed in the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal, the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal, and the PowerSchool SIS Student and Parent portal.

Note: The Comment Bank is unavailable in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal at this time. However, if you are using PowerTeacher Gradebook this feature is available. 

  1. On the start page, click the Student Information (backpack) icon of the class you want to work with.
  2. Click the name of the student you want to work with.
  3. Choose Teacher Comments from the Select Screens drop-down list. The Teacher Comments page displays the following information:



    Reporting Term

    By default, the student's schedule for the current term appears. Use the pop-up menu to select a different term.


    The period and day combination of the course.

    Course Number

    The number used to identify the course.


    The name of the course.


    The name of the teacher teaching the course.

    Attendance Points

    The number of attendance points the student received for the course, such as absent=1, tardy=2, and present=0.


    Comment entered by teacher.

    Note: If the column is blank, there are no teacher comments.

    Show dropped classes

    Click to view currently enrolled classes and dropped classes.

    Show only current classes

    Click to view only currently enrolled classes.

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