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View Your Schedule

The Schedule page displays a graphical representation of your schedule for all days, periods, and terms in the currently selected year.

  1. On the start page, click Schedule Matrix from the staff pages menu.
  2. To narrow the information that appears on the schedule matrix, use the following table to enter information in the Filter section:
    Note: Click the arrow to expand this section. Click the arrow again to collapse this section.



    Co-Teacher Sections

    Choose one of the following:

    • Show to include any co-teacher sections in the schedule matrix.
    • Hide to exclude any co-teacher sections in the schedule matrix.

    Note: Show is the default setting.

    Only Display Current Sections

    Choose one of the following:

    • Yes to display only those sections for which you have an active role for the current day.
    • No to view all sections for which you have an active role for the selected term.

    The Schedule section refreshes and displays your schedule for each period and day in each term. Identical colors on the schedule indicate the same section. A blank block means that nothing is scheduled for that block in that term. Each block includes the following information:

    • Course name
    • Course number
    • Section number
    • Room number
    • Schedule expression, which is the combination of periods and days
    • Term taught
    • Current/maximum enrollment
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