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Resolve Form Errors

When you select to Preview or Publish a Form a form, any validation issues that were encountered appear on the Form Errors page. These issues must be resolved before previewing and publishing the form. 

Errors are grouped by page, then element. 

  • Pages containing elements with validation issues appear in the order by which they appear on the Pages tab. 
  • Elements with validation issues are grouped by page.
  • Elements with validation issues appear in the order by which they appear on the page. 
  • If an element has more than one validation issue, all validation issues for that element appear with that element.
  • If a field is missing both a field name and a label, then it will be referred to by its element name, such as Dropdown. 

For a video overview of Form Errors and Resolving them, refer to Form Builder- Resolving Errors.

Common Form Errors

"Content" is required.

All paragraph elements must have content.

"Label" is required.

All fields must have labels, with the exception of Hidden Dropdown and Hidden Text fields.

$FieldLabel ($FieldName)
"REGEX" is required.
"Validation Message" is required.

If a Text field has Custom Validation enabled, then the REGEX and Validation Message values must be provided.

$FieldLabel ($FieldName)
"REGEX" is in an invalid format.

If a Text field has Custom Validation enabled, the REGEX value must be in a valid format.

$FieldLabel ($FieldName)
"Predefined List" is required.

If a Dropdown field or Hidden Dropdown field has Use Predefined List enabled, then the Predefined List value must be provided.

$FieldLabel ($FieldName)
"Display" value is required for each option.

iI a Dropdown field, Hidden Dropdown field, or Radio field has its list defined inline, then then the display value for each list item is required.

$FieldLabel ($FieldName)
"Stored" value must be unique for each option.

If a Dropdown field, Hidden Dropdown field, or Radio field has its list defined inline, then all stored values must be unique.

$FieldLabel ($FieldName)
Field must be contained within a Group.

All fields must be contained within Groups.

Group must be contained within a Section.

All Groups must be contained within Sections.

"Title" is required.

All Headers must have titles.

"Field Name" is required.

All fields must have field names.

"Field Name" is invalid.

All fields must have field names that meet the formatting requirements of field names.

$FieldLabel ($FieldName)
"Field Name" must be unique.

All fields must have unique field names, within the scope of the form.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.