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Hide Lottery Results

The parent-facing lottery results through the Result Notification & Decision Response feature can be temporarily or permanently hidden. Parents are shown either a default or customized message when results are hidden.


The School Choice Workspace page features a section called Parent-Facing Results with a Hide Results toggle. This section will only be visible if the Result Notification & Decision Response feature is enabled. To see this section, the administrative user must have the Hide Lottery Results School Choice permission granted within the assigned permission profile for the form. Alternatively, the user must have the Super Admin role on their account.

To hide lottery results:

  1. Navigate to the School Choice Workspace.
  2. Locate the Parent-Facing Results section on the main School Choice Workspace page.
  3. Check off the Hide Results toggle.

To un-hide lottery results:

  1. Navigate to the School Choice Workspace.
  2. Locate the Parent-Facing Results section on the main School Choice Workspace page.
  3. Uncheck the Hide Results toggle.

Audit log entries

If the School Choice Workspace has at least one processed record, an audit log entry will be created with the Timestamp, Account/Email, and Description when the Hide Results toggle is enabled or disabled. This entry will provide details about what occurred, when, and who performed the action.

Parent-facing messaging

When the Hide Results toggle is enabled, any result URLs related to the form will display alternative content instead of the actual results.

This default hidden results content is:

"The ability to view and take action on lottery results has been disabled."

This hidden results content can be customized by Support.

Parent-facing communications

When Hide Results is enabled, any automated Results Available and Results Updated emails are not sent.

However, enabling Hide Results does not stop you from sending Results Available and Results Updated emails manually. 

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