Element Properties
When adding or configuring elements on your form, you can customize the properties for each element in the element palette.
Property Descriptions
Property | Description | Applicable Element |
Address Validation Output | This field will hold the returned value after the address is validated. Values that can be returned are “Valid” and “Invalid.” This field can be a drop-down list, radio button, hidden text, hidden drop-down, or text field, as long as it supports those two values. |
Apt/Unit | Select the pre-configured apt/unit or second address line form field. |
Checked Value | Enter the value to be stored when the Checkbox element is selected. Defaults to Yes. |
City | Select the pre-configured city form field. |
Content | Enter the paragraph text as you want it to appear on the form. Using the rich-text editor, you can quickly and easily format your content as you would like it to appear on the form, including adding links, images, tables, etc. |
Contact ID | Select the Hidden Text field on the same page that will be used to store the contact’s ID. |
Country | Select the pre-configured country form field. This property is available to all clients with an internal country value of anything other than the United States. The field defaults to the value set for the client’s country internally. The property can be configured to hold a country list that will be included as part of the address. If the field is configured, the value supplied by the family will be used for validation. Otherwise, the value that is sent will be the internal country value. |
Custom Validation | When working with Text elements, select the checkbox to enable custom format validation on the text field, then enter a valid Regex value and the Validation Message you want to appear on the form when an invalid format is entered. |
Document Title | Enter the value to be displayed as the name of the document to administrative users within the Submission Workspace. |
Family Data Import | Select the checkbox to enable the parent’s ability to import this data previously submitted for another sibling within the same account. |
Field Name | Enter a unique value to represent the field. Make sure to use a name that clearly identifies the purpose of the field. Valid values include lower and uppercase letters, numbers (0-9), and underscores (_). The value must start and end with a letter or number. |
File Formats | Select the file formats you want the field to support. By default, all file types are selected. Supported file formats include .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .xls, .xlsx, .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, and .png. |
Format Validation | Indicate the format in which you want the date to be entered on the form. Defaults to mm/dd/yyyy; however, dd/mm/yyyy is also an option. |
Help Text | Enter any field-specific text as you want it to appear on the form. The text will appear in a Tooltip icon (blue circle with a question mark) next to the label. |
Label | Enter the label text as you want it to appear on the form. |
Linked Contact Field | Select the fields on the same page that will be used to store/collect information for this contact. When the user removes the contact, these fields will be cleared. When the user restores the contact, these fields will be restored from their pre-populated values. |
Max Length | Enter the maximum number of characters that may be entered for the field. Text fields default to 50. Text (Multiline) fields default to 500. |
Name | Enter a unique value to represent the Remove/Restore Contact item. Make sure to use a name that clearly identifies the purpose of the item. Valid values include lower and uppercase letters, numbers (0-9), and underscores (_). The value must start and end with a letter or number. |
Note | Enter any supplementary, field-specific text as you want it to appear on the form. The text will appear between the label and the input. |
Options | When working with Dropdown elements, choose Use Predefined List or Initial "Select" Value. If Use Predefined List is selected, select a predefined list. If Initial "Select" Value is selected, enter options as needed. When working with Radio elements, enter options as needed. |
Preview Note | Enter any internal-only notes that you want it to appear on the preview form. The text will appear in a Tooltip icon (blue circle with an "i") next to the label. |
Preview Override | When working with Hidden Text and Hidden Dropdown elements, select the checkbox to make the element appear on the preview form so that the user can interact with them. For other elements that also have Read-Only enabled, it makes the elements not read-only on the preview form so that the user can interact with them. |
Read-Only | Select the checkbox to make this field read-only. When enabled, the element appears on the form; however, it cannot be modified. |
Requirements | Indicate whether the field is Optional, Required, or Required If. Defaults to Optional. If Optional is selected, a value does not have to be entered in the field. If Required is selected, a value has to be entered in the field. If Required If is selected and rules are added, a value must be entered only if the defined conditions are met. For a video overview of Requirements, refer to Form Builder- Requirements. |
Show Character Counter | Select the checkbox to enable the character counter. When enabled, a counter appears on the form below the Text (Multiline) element. This counter will start at the indicated Max Length and will countdown the available characters remaining until the counter reaches 0. |
Show Date Picker | Select the checkbox to enable the date picker. When enabled, a Calendar appears on the form with the Date element. This is only supported when the mm/dd/yyyy format is used. |
State or Province/State | Select the pre-configured state or province form field. |
Street | Select the pre-configured street form field. |
Title | Enter the heading text as you want it to appear on the form. Headings that are the first item on the page (when they’re not in a Section or a Group) are h1. Headings that are within Sections are h2. Headings that are within Groups are h3. |
Unchecked Value | Enter the value to be stored when the Checkbox element is not selected. Defaults to No. |
Visibility | Indicate when the field appears on the form. If Show is selected, and the field always appears on the form. If Show If is selected and rules are added, the field only appears on the form if the defined conditions are met. Defaults to Show. For a video overview of Visibility, refer to Form Builder- Element Visibility. If a Section or Group is set to Show If, then all of the elements contained within it will also be controlled by the defined conditions. |
Zip Code or Postal/Zip Code | Select the pre-configured zip or postal code form field. |
Regex Usage
The following table lists examples of how Regex can be utilized with element types where Regex is an option.
Restriction | Example | Expression |
Date (four-digit year) | yyyy | ^\d{4}$ |
Date (four-digit year, year range validation) | yyyy - yyyy | ^\d{4}\s?\-\s?\d{4}$ |
Date (month and year range, requires two-digit month) | mm/yyyy - mm/yyyy | ^((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))\/\d{4}\s?\-\s?((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))\/\d{4}$ |
Date (month and year validation) | mm/yyyy | ^(1[012]|0?[1-9])[\/-]((19|20)\d{2})$ |
Date (four-digit year validation) | mm/dd/yyyy | ^(1[012]|0?[1-9])[\/-](3[01]|[12]\d|0?[1-9])[\/-]((19|20)\d{2})$ |
Email Address (validation) | xxxxxx@xxx.xxx(.xxx) | ^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$ |
Numeric Only (validation) | ^[\d]*$ | |
SSN (validation) | xxx-xx-xxxx | ^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$ |
Telephone (validation) | (xxx) xxx-xxxx | ^\(\d{3}\)\s\d{3}-\d{4}$ |
Telephone (validation, area code required, allows for hyphen delimiter) | xxx-xxx-xxxx | ^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$ |
Zip Code (validation, five-digit or nine-digit, allows for hyphen delimiter) | xxxxx(-xxxx) | ^[\d]{5}([-]?[\d]{4})?$ |
Canadian Postal Code (validation, capital letters, allows for optional space) | X1X1X1 or X1X 1X1 | ^[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXY]\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZ]( )?\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZ]\d$ |