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Naviance for Elementary offers pre-built lessons for Explorers in grades K - 5. If using the enhanced lessons, Explorers can only access lessons for their grade level. Otherwise, Explorers can access lessons for all grade levels.

Follow the instructions for editing a lesson to access a Navigator Guide, preview, and duplicate the lesson.

Create a lesson

Create custom lessons in addition to the Naviance pre-built lessons.

  1. From the Assignment Overview on your dashboard, select Create a Lesson from the Actions list. Alternatively, click Manage from the main navigation menu, click Lessons, then click Create Lesson.

  2. Enter a name for the lesson, then click Create Lesson.

  3. From Lesson Overview and Objectives, enter the Lesson Overview, then click Next.

  4. From Target Grades, select the Lowest Suggest Grade and the Highest Suggested Grades from the corresponding lists, then click Next.

  5. From Required Resources, enter the Materials and equipment needed, then click Next.

  6. From Standards, type a few letters of the standard, select the desired standard from the list, then click Next.

  7. From Student Instructions, enter the Lesson Description and Instructions, then click Next.

  8. Optionally, from Other Options, select Shared with other educators, then click Next.

  9. Optionally, add Explorer Instructions, Tasks, Home Follow-Up, or Assignments.

Task types

Task name

Action to complete the task

Text / Reflection

Users enter a free-form, text-based response. You can restrict the minimum and maximum number of words required.


Users visit an external site.

Drawing Canvas

Users create a multi-colored drawing in response to a question or a prompt.

Up The Ladder

Users complete the Up The Ladder game.


Users respond to a survey.

Download File

Users download a file.


Users watch a video.

Submit Work

Users submit a file.

Instructor Notes

Directions for the administrator of the lesson. Instructor Notes are not available to the Explorer when they are assigned this lesson.

Create a unit

After creating custom lessons, organize your lessons by unit.

  1. Click Manage from the main navigation menu, then click Lessons.

  2. Click Create Lesson, then click Create Unit.

  3. Enter a unit name, then click Create Unit.

  4. Enter a Course Storyline, then click Next.

  5. Enter and select the lessons to be included in the unit, then click Next.

  6. Optionally, from Other Options, select Shared with other educators, then click Next.

Edit a lesson

Naviance for Elementary's pre-built lessons cannot be edited.

  1. Click Manage from the main navigation menu, then select Lessons.

  2. Optionally, use the search tools to find the lesson to edit.

  3. Click View for the lesson to edit.

  4. Select Overview, Instructions, Tasks, or Assignments, then click Edit.

  5. Update the lesson details, then click Submit.

  6. Optionally, from the lesson details page, click Duplicate, Preview, or Print Navigator Guide.

If editing a lesson that has already been assigned, you must unassign, then reassign the lesson to publish your changes. This action will erase any work that an explorer may have already completed in the lesson. If you do not unassign and reassign a lesson, changes to the lesson will only be shared when assigning the lesson to new explorers.

Assign or unassign a lesson

Assign or unassign custom lessons to students by grade, group, and more.

Students can assign Naviance curriculum lessons to themselves from their Explorer Dashboards by selecting the lesson. Alternatively, assign Naviance curriculum lessons to students so they access lessons in an order other than the default. 

  1. From the Your Users Overview on your dashboard, select Manage Users from the Actions list. Alternatively, click Management from the main navigation menu, then select Users.

  2. Use the search tools to find the users you want to assign or unassign the lesson.

  3. In the footer navigation, click Assign a Lesson.

  4. From the Assign Lessons modal, search for lessons, then click Select for the lesson to assign.

  5. Click Assign This Lesson or Unassign This Lesson for the selected users.

  6. Click OK to confirm the action.

  7. Click Assign Another or Close.

Review Lesson Statistics

From Assignment Overview on your dashboard, review statistics such as the numbers of Completed Assignments, Approved Assignments, and Unfinished Assignments.

Review and approve assignments

  1. Navigate to Assignment Overview on your dashboard.

  2. From Things to Action, click Review now to display a list of unfinished or unapproved assignments.

  3. From the list of unapproved assignments, click View to display the student's assignment responses, then click Approve or Reject.

  4. Optionally, from Key statistics, click View here to display lists of distinct lessons, completed, or approved assignments.

After students submit a lesson and you approve it, the lesson becomes read-only for the student. You cannot re-open a lesson for students to complete again.

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