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Approval Criteria

Approval criteria determine which submission records are eligible to be approved in the Submission Workspace and delivered to the SIS. To configure your form's approval criteria, choose Configuration from the main menu, then General. Choose the form on the Student Data page, then click the Approval Criteria tab.

Add a Rule

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Click Add Rule.
  3. Select the rule properties.

  4. To add another rule, click Add Rule and enter information as needed.
  5. To add a group of rules, click Add Group.
  6. Click Save.

Edit a Rule

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Update the rule properties as needed.
  3. Click Save.

Delete a Rule

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Click the Delete (trash) icon next to the rule you wish to delete.
  3. To delete a grouping, click Delete Group.
  4. Click Save.

Rule Properties




Select one of the following: 

  • AND if all rules must be true.
  • OR if only one of the rules must be true.


Choose a property or field from the first drop-down list.


Choose the appropriate evaluator from the second drop-down list. Available evaluators are dependent on the type of property or field selected.

  • is
  • is not
  • is blank
  • is not blank
  • is checked
  • is not checked
  • in
  • not in
  • contains
  • does not contain
  • begins with
  • ends with
  • less than
  • greater than
  • less than or equal to
  • greater than or equal to
  • is before
  • is after
  • is on or before
  • is on or after

Enter the value.

When using the in or not in evaluators, use pipe characters ( | ) to separate values in the list of values to query within. For example, K|1|2|3|4|5.

The value field does not apply if is blank, is not blank, is checked, or is not checked is selected as the evaluator.

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