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Special Programs: Enable AppSwitcher

The Special Programs 20.11 release includes self-service functionality to enable the Applications icon.


  • SSO with an external identity provider must be enabled for all PowerSchool applications you intend to include in the Applications list.
  • A single identity provider must be used for administrator and staff users across all applications you intend to include.
  • Your district must have two or more PowerSchool applications where AppSwitcher is available.
  • Unified Classroom must not be enabled.
  • AppSwitcher has been requested and your district applications have been set up for AppSwitcher.

Enable Applications Icon

  1. After PowerSchool has added PowerSchool applications for your district, you will be provided your PowerSchool District Application GUID. 
  2. Sign into Special Programs as a system administrator, and then select Administration > Configuration
  3. Click the Integration tab, and then click Single Sign-On.
  4. Click pencil to edit the AppSwitcher configuration.
  5. Enter the PowerSchool District Application GUID, and then click OK.
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