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District Information

On this page:

Use this page to add, view, or edit your district's information. You may need to see this information if you call PowerSchool Technical Support for a related issue.

Enter District Information

  1. On the start page, choose District under Setup in the main menu.
  2. Under District Information, click District Info.
  3. Enter the information and Submit.

    The following descriptions are only for fields that require special considerations.



    District Number

    Enter the number assigned to your district by your state.

    Note: In order for the PowerSchool GUID generation to function properly, the appropriate District Customer Support Number must be entered during the PowerSchool implementation process. For more information, see PowerSchool Implementation Services.

    State Region

    If state regions have been defined, identify the state region for your district.

    Note: To define state regions, the State Region code set must be populated with the appropriate codes for your state or province.

    Customer Support Number

    The identification number for PowerSchool Technical Support appears. When calling PowerSchool Technical Support, you may be asked for this information.

    Summer School Year

    Use the pop-up menu to indicate whether summer school should be part of the Previous school year or the Next school year.

    Technical Support Email

    Enter the email address for technical support. This information appears on the Parent and Student portals.

    Technical Support Phone

    Enter the phone number (if applicable) to call for technical support. This information appears on the Parent and Student portals.

    Technical Support URL

    Enter the URL (if applicable) for the district technical support website. This information appears on the Parent and Student portals.

Edit District Information

  1. On the start page, choose District under Setup in the main menu.
  2. Under District Information, click District Info.
  3. Edit the information as needed. For field descriptions, see Add District Information.
  4. Click Submit.
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