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Consecutive Absences

View Consecutive Absences

Using Consecutive Absences on the Attendance Data Grid, you can quickly and easily view a list of students who have been absent for an extended period of consecutive (in session calendar) days. For schools using Meeting Attendance, students have to be absent during all periods of their day.

To view Consecutive Absences, you must be in a school view.

  1. On the start page, choose Attendance under Functions.
  2. Click Consecutive Absences.

If you do not see a student in the results as expected, you may need to Recalculate Consecutive Absences.

Additional Options

  • Select a student name to view their attendance.

  • Make the filtered list of students your current student selection by selecting the checkbox in the header row for all students or the checkbox for individual students. Then click Set Current Selection.

Recalculate Consecutive Absences

Recalculate Consecutive Absences Notification automatically runs as part of the nightly process. You can run the operation manually to generate a report on consecutive absences.

To run this operation, you must be in the district view.

  1. On the start page, choose System under Setup.
  2. Under Data Management, click Special Operations.
  3. Choose Recalculate Consecutive Absences Notification.
  4. Enter the specific date for which you want to run the operation if it is not today's date in Param 1.

  5. Click Submit.
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