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Use Connection to invite students to interact with and request information from your institution.

This feature is available with a Connection Subscription. Complete this form to get more information.

Understand Your Subscription

To review your Connection subscription, navigate to the Connection tile on the homepage, then click Manage. Select Overview.


Indicates your subscription's chosen location, the types of students to engage within that location, and the timeframe for your subscription.

Competitors Indicates your chosen competitor institutions for that audience. If no competitors apply to the subscription, No Competitors Available displays.
Majors Enabled indicates that majors were purchased for that specific audience. Disabled indicates that majors were not purchased.

Indicates that you can invite best-fit students to connect with your institution for that specific audience. Enabled indicates that Connection was purchased. Disabled indicates that Connection was not purchased.

High schools choose to activate this feature in Naviance. If activated, students choose to accept invitations to connect in Naviance Student.
Academic ThresholdIndicates whether an Academic Threshold was configured for that specific audience.
If the details listed do not match your current subscriptions, contact Intersect Support.
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