Form Translations
Use the Translations page to enter translations for your form's content and data elements. The page only appears if non-English languages are enabled. When working on translations in Form Builder, you cannot publish a form if there is a blank item on the Translations page. However, if an internal admin works on a form that does not have Form Builder, they are not required to provide a translation for all English content, and missing translations appear in English when the form is viewed in the Family portal for the selected language. For a video overview of Translation within the Form Builder, refer to Form Builder- Translations.
- From the main menu, select Configuration, then Form Builder.
- Select the form you want to work with.
Click the Translations tab.
- Click the [Language] button to select the language you want to work with.
- If needed, use the page Filter to narrow down the Predefined List items.
- You can search for blanks to locate all values that are currently missing translations.
- Enter the appropriate translations for the Details, Form, and Additional Content sections.
- Edit rich-text content:
- Click Editor.
- Edit information as needed.
- Click Done.
- To copy and paste English content into a spreadsheet or translation service:
- Click the value in the English column for any row. The value appears highlighted.
- Copy and paste the content using keyboard shortcuts or right-click the pointer and select Copy, then Paste.