PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 2/19/2021.
New Features
Feature | Description | Learn More |
Submission Reports | Submission Reports are graphical charts that report on the submission data of a single form. Create Submission Reports based on any forms with assigned permissions, referencing any form field. You can also segment reports into multiple charts based on unique values in another field and/or limit what submissions to include in the report with a data rule/filter. View report as a pie, bar, or line chart. Submission Reports permission is available only to the new Reporting role at this time. | Reports |
Submission Comparison Reports | Submission Comparison Reports are graphical charts that compare the submission data between multiple forms. Create Submission Comparison Reports based on any permissioned forms, referencing any shared form field. View report as a stacked bar, bar, or line chart. Submission Comparison Reports permission is available only to the new Reporting role at this time. | Reports |
Feature | Description |
Admin - Retrieve Document districtId from PowerSchool SIS | If PowerSchool SIS is running version or greater, when attaching documents to student records through data delivery, the document districtId is retrieved from PowerSchool SIS dynamically and used in the subsequent API calls. This eliminates the need for PowerSchool Enrollment Support to retrieve and configure the document districtId manually. |
Admin - Performance Improvements Editing Record Details | The performance of various actions while editing a record detail within the Submission Workspace and Roster Workspace has been greatly improved. These actions include entering edit mode for an individual field, saving an individual field, canceling out of an individual field, entering Edit All mode, and canceling out of Edit All mode. |
Resolved Issues
Feature | Description |
Admin - Additional Content Cleared | Content entered on the Additional Content tab in the Form Builder is sometimes cleared when making other form changes. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Admin Account Export Timeouts | Given there is a large volume of admin accounts that contain an identity provider's (IdP's) global identifier, when a user attempts to export the accounts, the job times out. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Duplicate External Student ID Generation | Occasionally, when multiple submission records are created simultaneously, the generated External Student IDs can be duplicated. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Manually Changing IDs Disrupts External Student ID Generation Pattern | When an admin user manually changes the value of the last generated External Student ID, the ID generation pattern is disrupted and the subsequent IDs generated are incremented off of the manually changed ID value. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Payment Data Not Showing in Submission Workspace | Occasionally, payment data associated with a submission is not present on the submission record. This issue is now resolved. The invoice and invoice items are saved to the database prior to sending them to the payment processor. |
Admin - PowerSchool SIS Account Linked to Wrong PowerSchool Enrollment Account | If one admin user is already authenticated into PowerSchool Enrollment and another admin user is authenticated into PowerSchool SIS, if the other admin user accesses PowerSchool Enrollment from within PowerSchool SIS via admin SSO, the other admin user is brought into the first admin user's PowerSchool Enrollment session and the other admin user's PowerSchool SIS account becomes linked to the first admin user's PowerSchool Enrollment account. This issue is now resolved. The first admin user's PowerSchool Enrollment session is ended and a new session is started for the other admin user. |
Admin - Process Records Button is Inaccessible | Within the School Choice Workspace, when the Process Records task is run, if the job's status is not properly updated as a result of an error, the Process Records button becomes inaccessible. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Raw HTML in Labels on Add New Screen | Rich-text formatting on field labels on the Add New screen in the Roster Workspace is rendered as raw HTML. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Scheduled Data Delivery Jobs Do Not Copy Data Back to Submission Record | When delivering data to a SIS using a scheduled job, any data configured to be copied back to the submission record from the SIS (e.g., a Student ID) is not copied back. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Scheduled Import Data Job Doesn't Respect Student Status Filtering | When importing data into a Roster Workspace via API through a scheduled job, the defined student status filtering is not respected and all students are imported irrespective of status. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Scheduled Import Data Job Doesn't Respect Validation Rules | When importing data into a Roster Workspace via API through a scheduled job, the defined validation rules are not respected and all students are imported irrespective of whether they meet the defined validation rules or not. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Special Character HTML in Custom Print Templates | If the Body of a custom print template contains HTML for certain special characters, the user will receive errors while trying to preview the print template, preview the form, or publish the form. These special characters include but are not limited to ß, €, “, ”, ‘, ’, Á. This issue is now resolved. |
Parent - Accented Characters in Course Fee Public Descriptions | If the public description of a course fee contains an accented character, the character is rendered as a '?' on the form. This issue is now resolved. |
Parent - Pre-Populate on Demand with eSchoolPlus SIS with Alphanumeric Student IDs | When attempting to pre-populate data on demand into a form from within eSchoolPlus SIS, no data is pre-populated into the form if the student has an alphanumeric Student ID. This issue is now resolved. |
Parent - School Locator Does Not Display all School Information | The Phone, Web Address, Email Address, and Comments associated with a school are not shown within the information panel of the School Locator results when configured to be shown. This issue is now resolved. |
Parent - YRU Sign In Problem Error | When a parent attempts to start a Year-Round Update (YRU) for a student that already has a submitted YRU that has not yet been delivered to the SIS, a Sign in Problem error message appears for the parent. This issue is now resolved. A more appropriate error message is shown to the parent explaining why they are unable to proceed. |