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Admin Accounts

Using the Admin Accounts page, you can provision and manage other administrative user accounts. Only users with the Administrator role have access to this page.

Create an Account

To start using PowerSchool Enrollment, you first must create the user an account with the appropriate roles, permissions, and profiles. When the account is activated, an email with a temporary password is sent to the user. Once the user signs in and updates their password, the account becomes active.

Accounts may also be created from the Manage Permissions & Profiles page for a specific form or checklist.

If you have access to more than one user account type, choose Users, then Admin Accounts, to work with Admin user accounts.

Step 1: Create a User Account

  1. From the main menu, select Admin Accounts.
  2. Click Create New Account.
  3. Enter information in the required fields.
  4. Click Create. The user account appears in the Not Active Account section.

Step 2: Add User to Forms

Associate the user with each form that they will work with.

  1. From the main menu, select Forms.
  2. Click More (...) in the row you want to work with.
  3. In the Tools section, click Account Permissions.
  4. On the Manage Permissions & Profiles page, click Add/Remove Existing Accounts.
  5. Select the newly added user account.
  6. Click Save. The user account appears in the User Account Permissions section.
  7. Repeat for each form.

Step 3: Assign Permission Profiles

Assign the user the permission profiles to the forms they will work with.

  1. On the Manage Permissions & Profiles page, click Edit next to the user account.
  2. Select the Profile that you want to assign the user.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Repeat for each form.

Step 4: Assign Workspace Filters

Assign the user the workspace filters for the forms they will work with. Workspace Filters are used to restrict which student records users are able to view. If a user is not assigned a Workspace Filter, then the user will be able to view all records within this form's Workspaces. If a user is assigned a Workspace Filter, then the user will only be able to view the records within the form's Workspaces that meet the criteria of the assigned filter. If a user is assigned multiple Workspace Filters, then the user will be able to view the records within this form's Workspaces that meet the criteria of any of the assigned filters.

  1. On the Manage Permissions & Profiles page, click Edit next to the user account.
  2. Select the Workspace Filter that you want to assign the user.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Repeat for each workspace filter you want to assign.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Repeat for each form.

Step 5: Assign Extended Permissions

Provide the user with the extended permissions they should have access to.

  1. From the main menu, select Admin Accounts.
  2. Select the user account.
  3. In the Extended Permissions section, select the applicable permission extensions.

Step 6: Assign Roles

Provide the administrative user with access to the appropriate roles.

  1. From the main menu, select Admin Accounts.
  2. Select the user account for which you want to assign roles.
  3. In the Roles section, click Edit Roles.
  4. Select the checkbox next to each role you want to assign to this user account.
    Roles Details

    Super AdminProvides the administrative user with access to all permissions, without needing to have their permissions individually configured. If selected, all other roles and extended permissions (other than May Manage Appointments) are automatically assigned. Administrative users that belong to a collection of organizations (schools and districts) are required to have this role.

    Only users with the Group Administrator role or PowerSchool Specialists are able to assign/remove this role.

    AdministrationProvides the user the ability to provision and manage other admin accounts, and configure and assign permission profiles to other admin accounts. It also gives the user access to the Student Data tab on the General page within the Configuration menu and allows them to alter those related configurations.

    Only users with the Group Administrator role or PowerSchool Specialists are able to assign/remove this role.

    ConfigurationProvides the user the ability to alter their district's configuration. Once applied the user can access the following items in the Configuration menu:
    • General > Student Data
    • General > Predefined Lists (you must also have Self-Service Form Editing enabled)
    • General > Translations (you must also have Self-Service Form Editing enabled, and at least one additional/non-English language enabled)
    • General > SIS
    • Form Builder (you must also have Self-Service Form Editing enabled)
    • Files

    Only users with the Group Administrator role or PowerSchool Specialists are able to assign/remove this role.

    Family Account Manager

    Provides the user the ability to view family accounts, along with submitted and in-progress form information within them.

    ReportingProvides the user access to general reporting features. User permission levels on specific forms and fields dictate the type of information the user account can access from a report.
  5. Click Save.

Step 7: Activate User Account

Activate the user's account. User accounts must be activated in order to enable user authentication access. Activating an account sends the user an activation email containing a temporary password. The user's account appears as Pending until they sign in for the first time. Once they have signed in, the account appears as Active.

  1. From the main menu, select Admin Accounts.
  2. Click Activate Portal Accounts.
  3. Select the user account.
  4. Click Activate.

Work with Accounts

Using the Admin Accounts page to view and manage staff accounts. Only users with the Administrator role have access to this page.

  1. From the main menu, select Admin Accounts.
  2. To activate user account(s):
    1. Click Activate Portal Accounts.
    2. Select the accounts you want to activate.
    3. Click Activate.
  3. To search for a specific account:
    1. Enter a part of the first name, last name, or email address in the field.
    2. Click Find. Click Clear Search to display all accounts.
      • Active - Indicates the account has been created, activated, and that the user has signed in for the first time.
      • Pending - Indicates the account has been created, activated, and that the user has yet to sign in for the first time.
      • Not Active - Indicates the account has been deactivated by the administrator.
    3. Click the user's name of the account you want to work with.
  4. In the Details section, click Edit to make changes.
  5. Note the Status in the Account Status/Tasks section.
  6. If needed, change or reset the account password.
  7. To disable an account and prevent a user from signing in to PowerSchool Enrollment, click Disable Account. To reactivate an account, click Activate Account.
  8. Select the checkbox next to each permission you want to assign in the Extended Permissions section.
  9. Click Edit Roles and select or clear the checkbox next to the role.

Import or Export Accounts

Using the import function, you can import data from a comma-separated value (CSV) file into PowerSchool Enrollment. You can export the same data using the export function.

  1. From the main menu, select Admin Accounts (or Users > Admin Accounts.
  2. To import accounts, along with their account details:
    1. Choose the file you want to upload In the Import/Export Accounts section.
    2. Click Import.
  3. To export accounts, along with their account details, click Export Accounts in the Import/Export Accounts section. A comma-separated value (CSV) file is downloaded through your browser.
  4. To import account extended permissions:
    1. Choose the file you want to upload In the Import/Export Account Permissions section.
    2. Click Import.
  5. To export account extended permissions, click Export Permissions in the Import/Export Account Permissions section. A comma-separated value (CSV) file is downloaded through your browser.
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