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Add OIDC Applications in SSO Identity Providers

The instructions provided are intended to guide administrators to set up the external identity providers for PowerSchool applications that use OIDC. There may be additional settings that you can configure for the applications or the external identity providers may have changed their interfaces. 


There may be additional settings that you can configure for the applications or Google may have updated the interface. Refer to Google documentation on Setting up OAuth 2.0

  1. Open as an administrator.
  2. If needed, create a new project and define the OAuth consent information.
  3. In Credentials, create credentials for an OAuth Client ID.

    • Set up a web application with the PowerSchool application name.
    • If you have the application's Redirect URI, add it in the Authorized redirect URIs section. Otherwise, edit the application later to add the Redirect URI. 
  4. Copy and save the Client ID and Client Secret values that display after the app is created. These values need to be added in the PowerSchool application.

To add the redirect URI after the app is created, select Credentials and edit the app.

Microsoft Azure

The instructions provided are intended to guide administrators to set up PowerSchool applications that use OIDC. There may be additional settings that you can configure for the applications or Microsoft may have updated the interface. Refer to Microsoft documentation on registering an application with the Microsoft identity platform

  1. Go to as an admin of the IdP service. Then, search for and select Azure Active Directory.
  2. In App registrations, add a new registration to set up the application. Enter an application name and select the supported account types.
  3. In Authentication, add a platform configuration. Select Web and then enter the Redirect URI for the application.
  4. In Certificates & secrets, add a new client secret and copy both the secret's Value and Secret ID. These values need to be added in the PowerSchool application.
  5. Add a claim to your token (optional):

    1. Select Token Configuration > Add Optional Claim.
    2. Select the appropriate ID or Access as the Token Type.

    3. Select the claims you want to add. 

    4. Click Add.

SSO for PowerSchool Applications with OIDC

Review the content in the Set Up Single Sign-On section to learn about setting up SSO for applications that use OIDC.

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