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PowerSchool Special Programs

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PowerSchool Special Programs (formerly TIENET)  is now integrated with the PowerSchool SIS. PowerSchool Special Programs is a management system designed to address the entire instructional process including curriculum, assessment, Special Programs case management, and other specialty areas. If enabled, authorized PowerSchool SIS users will be alerted when students' special program documents are available. Once available, authorized PowerSchool SIS users can manage students' special program documents within the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal, the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal, and PowerSchool Special Programs. In addition, PowerSchool SIS users can access the PowerSchool Special Programs management system. To learn more, watch the PowerSchool SIS and Special Programs Integration Enhancements video.

View PowerSchool Special Programs Alerts

Note: This functionality is only available if enabled by your district.

  1. On the start page, click the Single Day (chair) icon next to the class for which you want to work with. 
  2. Note the Alert column.
  3. Click the [Special Program Alert] you want to work with.
    Note: The following Special Programs alerts are available and supported. Your district will likely not be using all of these alerts, and may just have some subset of them enabled based on the needs of your state or province.



    504 Accommodations

    Student has 504 Accommodations


    Behavior Intervention Plan

    Student has a Behavior Intervention Plan


    English Language Learner

    Student is an English Language Learner


    Gifted and Talented

    Student is Gifted and Talented


    Individualized Education Program

    Student has an Individualized Education Program


    Individualized Family Service Plan

    Student has an Individualized Family Service Plan


    Instructional Performance or Individual Program Plan

    Student has an Instructional Performance or Individual Program Plan


    Instructional Support Plan A (Mild/Moderate)

    Student has an Instructional Support Plan A (Mild/Moderate)


    Instructional Support Plan B (Moderate to Severe)

    Student has an Instructional Support Plan B (Moderate to Severe)


    Instructional Support Plan C (Gifted)

    Student has an Instructional Support Plan C (Gifted)


    Instructional Support Plan

    Student has an Instructional Support Plan


    Plan d’action

    Student has a Plan d’action


    Personalized Learning Plan

    Student has a Personalized Learning Plan


    Response to Intervention

    Student is involved in Response to Intervention


    Responsive Teaching and Learning

    Student is involved in Responsive Teaching and Learning


    Safety Plan

    Student has a Safety Plan


    Service Plan

    Student has a Service Plan


    Special Education

    Student is in Special Education

  4. From the Alert pop-up, click one of the following:
    • View Document List to view a list of special program documents associated to the student using the Special Programs page in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal.
    • View Document List in Special Programs to view a list of special program documents associated to the student using the Documents page in Special Programs.
    • Open Document in Special Programs to view a specific special program document associated to the student using the Documents page in Special Programs.

Manage Powerschool Special Programs Documents

  1. On the start page, click the Student Information (backpack) icon next to the class you want to work with. 
  2. Click the last name of the student you want to work with. 
  3. Choose Special Programs from the Select screens pop-up menu.
  4. To create a new document:
    1. Choose a document type from the Create New Document pop-up menu.
    2. Click Go.
    3. Enter the required information.
    4. Click Save.
  5. To edit a document:
    1. Click the name of the document you want to edit.
    2. Edit the document as needed.
    3. Click Save.
  6. To delete a document:
    1. Click the Delete icon next to the document you want to delete.
    2. Click Delete.
    3. Click Confirm Delete.

Access the PowerSchool Special Programs Application

From the start page, do one of the following:

  • From the navigation toolbar, click the Applications icon, and then click the Special Programs Home
  • From the left navigation menu, choose  Applications - Special Programs Home.
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