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Pearson Digital Learning Platforms

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Pearson Digital Learning Platforms provides single sign-on access to all your Pearson content, assessments, student data, and management tools.

Note: The link only appears if enabled and the selected school has been granted access to the link.

Launch Pearson Digital Learning Platforms

  1. Click the Applications button (an upward-right arrow) in the navigation toolbar. The Applications drawer slides into view.
  2. Click Pearson Courses. The Pearson Dashboard launches in a separate window (or tab depending on your browser setting).
  3. Click Pearson Digital Learning Platforms. Pearson Digital Learning Platforms home page appears.
    Note: When you are finished working in Pearson Digital Learning Platforms, be sure to sign out of the application.

Sign In to Pearson Digital Learning Platforms

  1. Open your Web browser to your school's Pearson Digital Learning Platforms URL. The Single Sign-On page appears.
  2. Select your district from the pop-up menu.
  3. Click Continue. The Single Sign-On page refreshes.
  4. Click Sign in as a Teacher. The Teacher Sign In page appears.
  5. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Select Language

    Choose the language in which you want to view the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal from the pop-up menu.

    Note: If no more than one locale is configured, the pop-up menu does not appear.


    Enter your username.


    Enter your password. The characters appear as asterisks ( * ) to ensure greater security when you sign in.

  6. Click Sign In. Pearson Digital Learning Platforms launches.
    Note: When you are finished working in Pearson Digital Learning Platforms, be sure to sign out of the application.
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