PE Waivers
If your school waives participation in Physical Education (PE) for students for any reason, you can view student PE waiver information using the PE Waivers page.
Note: Only applicable if Enhanced Health Management is enabled by your district.
Work with PE Waivers
- On the start page, click the PE Waivers (paper with red cross) icon next to the class for which you want to view student PE Waiver information. The PE Waivers page appears with the selected class roster displayed in the navigation menu and shows any PE Waivers currently available for students within the class.
- If needed, filter the list of PE waivers:
- Enter search criteria in the Basic Filter field.
- Click Apply.
- To add a filter based on PE Waiver column headings:
- Click the Add (+) icon.
- Choose a column heading from the pop-up menu.
- Enter search criteria in the field next to the pop-up menu.
- Click Apply.
- To delete a filter, click the Remove (-) icon.
- To remove all filters, click Clear.
The following information appears for each PE Waiver:
Note: Click a column heading to sort by that column in ascending order. Click the column again to sort by descending order.