Edit Standards Grades Summary
On this page:
The Standards Grades summary page in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal displays all standard final grade entries for the selected section in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal. Select a section and view or edit the standard final grades for that section.
Note: The Standards Grades summary page displays standards information entered in PowerTeacher Gradebook or in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal.
View the Standards Grades Summary
Note: Standards Grades link only appears if enabled by your PowerSchool system administrator.
- On the start page, click the Student Information (backpack) icon next to the class you want to work with.
- Click the last name of the student you want to work with.
- On the Student Information page, click Standards Grades at the bottom of the class roster. The Standards Grades summary page appears.
Edit the Standards Grades Summary
Note: Standards Grades link only appears if enabled by your PowerSchool system administrator.
Note: Standards information entered in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal do not display in the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal. Only standards information entered in PowerTeacher Gradebook or PowerTeacher Pro appear in the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal.
- On the start page, click the Student Information (backpack) icon next to the class you want to work with.
- Click the last name of the student you want to work with.
On the Student Information page, click Standards Grades at the bottom of the class roster. The Standards Grades [term] page appears.
- If the section has been set to use PowerTeacher Pro only for grade entry, click View in PowerTeacher Pro to open PowerTeacher Pro and edit the standards.
- Choose the Reporting Term from the pop-up menu.
- Click the Pencil icon for the standard you want to edit. The standard drawer appears.
- Enter the standard grade for each student. Alternately, enter a grade in the Auto Fill field and click Fill. The grade you entered appears for each student.
- Enter comments in the Comment field.
- Click Submit. The Standards Grades summary page appears with the grades you entered. An icon indicates if comments have been entered for the student's grade.
View Standards Grades by Student
The Standards Grades tab displays the student's standards grades and comments. By default, only classes currently in progress appear.
- On the start page, click the Student Information (backpack) icon next to the class you want to work with.
- Click the last name of the student you want to work with.
- Choose Quick Lookup from the Select screens pop-up menu.
- Click the Standards Grades tab. The Standards Grades tab appears. On this page, you can perform any of the following tasks:
- Click Show Completed Classes to view standards grades for completed classes.
- Click Hide Completed Classes to view only the classes for the current term.
- If a score appears as a link, click to view score comments.
- Click the name of the standard to view the following details:
- Teacher
- Course
- Standard Name
- Gradescale
- Gradescale Description
- Gradescale Details
If the student is enrolled in any special programs, the Attendance By Program section of the page displays attendance for any special programs in which the student is enrolled. The special programs must be set to appear on the Quick Lookup page; for more information, contact your school's system administrator.
View the Standard Grade Rollup
You can view details of the standard grade rollup from the student Standards page. In cases where the same student is being assessed on the same standard (for example, Scientific Principles) in different classes at the same time (for example, Q1), the standards grades for each individual section are retained. In addition, they are averaged together to produce a rollup score. The high score is also stored.
- On the start page, click the Student Information (backpack) icon next to the class you want to work with.
- Click the last name of the student you want to work with.
- Choose Quick Lookup from the Select screens pop-up menu.
- Click the Standards Grades tab. The Standards Grades tab appears.
- Click on a grade under a reporting term. The View Standards Final Grades drawer appears.
- Scroll down to view the Rollup Grade section. A message appears at the top of this section with details on how the standard rollup grade was calculated. The rollup includes the average grade, the highest grade, and the number of grades that were included to generate the average. The Grades Included in the Rollup section displays the section specific grades that were used to generate this rollup record. The Grades Excluded from the Rollup section displays those grades excluded from the rollup.