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Take Single Day Attendance

On the Single Day attendance page, you can enter attendance codes for the current day.

  1. On the start page, click the Single Day (chair) icon next to the class for which you want to record attendance. The Record Meeting Attendance [Section] page appears. By default, the Single Day Attendance tab appears selected.
    Note: Click the Single Day tab if the Single Day Attendance page does not appear.
  2. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Attendance Code

    Select the attendance code from the pop-up menu.

    Note: Blank attendance codes count as (Present). However, if using interval attendance, an attendance value may be required to be entered for each student based on the requirements for your state/province.


    Select the date or period for which you want to enter attendance from the pop-up menu.

    Note: If entering interval attendance, the interval for the selected period appears at the top of the Attendance column.


    If you have more than one section of this class, click Show Multiple Sections to combine the students from multiple sections of this class into one attendance view. Click Show Single Section to return to a single section view.

    Group By Track

    By default, the toggle is set to Off. You can turn On and Off based on your needs. When set to On, students are grouped by the track which they are assigned. If a student is not assigned to a track, they appear under the No Assigned Track section. Tracks are assigned via the Edit Current Enrollment page or in mass using Students.Track in the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal.

    Note: Only available if enabled for your school.

  3. Use one of the following methods to enter the applicable attendance code:
    • Click Fill Code to populate the field next to all students' name with the attendance code selected from the Attendance Code pop-up menu. Use the pop-up menu to select a different attendance code, if needed. If students are grouped by track, you can enter attendance per track.
      Note: Only available if Group By Track is set to On. Attendance codes that have already been entered are not overwritten. However, if the attendance code is a blank (Present), it will be overwritten.
    • Click in the field next to the student's name to enter the attendance code you selected from the Attendance Code pop-up menu. Use the pop-up menu to select a different attendance code, if needed.
    • Double-click in a field and select the code from the pop-up menu. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll through the list.
    • Click in a field and type the attendance code directly in the field.

    Note: Use the Tab or arrow keys to navigate to a different field.

  4. When an attendance code is entered, a comment icon appears. Click the icon to enter an attendance comment on the Edit Comments pop-up. Click OK to enter the comment for the student's attendance record.
  5. Click on an icon in the Alert column to view the alert pop-up.

    Note: If you are using the PowerSchool Special Programs product, the Special Education alerts display links to associated special program documents appear.

  6. Click Submit.
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