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There are several options for taking attendance in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal. No matter which method you use, attendance entered using the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal save the records directly to the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal.

  • Click the Single Day (chair) icon to access the Single Day attendance page. 
  • Click the Multi-Day (grid) icon to access the Multi-Day attendance page. 
  • Click the Seating Chart (grid and chair) icon to access the Seating Chart page. 

Note: Class sections that meet more than once a day display a pop-up menu next to the Single Day (chair) icon, which allows you to select the specific period in which to record or change attendance.

Substitute teachers can take attendance using the PowerSchool Substitute portal.

If the PowerSchool administrator has granted you the appropriate access, you can change previously entered attendance codes, or you can mark a student absent on a future date. You cannot modify an attendance record that has been entered or modified by the administrator, with the exception of a blank (Present) attendance code where there is no comment associated to the attendance record.

Attendance Indicator

A dot appears next to each class. The color of the dot indicates whether or not you have submitted attendance for that class. A clear dot indicates attendance has not been submitted. A yellow dot and fraction indicates partial attendance has been submitted. A green dot indicates attendance has been submitted.

Note: The yellow dot and fraction only appear if (1) the class is set to record attendance for each meeting separately and (2) partial attendance has been taken. As attendance is taken for each period within a class, the fraction reflects those changes: the number of period attendance has been taken vs. the number of total periods. Once attendance has been taken for all periods within a class, the attendance indicator appears green.

Attendance Modes

The attendance page allows you to enter and submit attendance in three different modes; Single Day, Multi-Day, or on the Seating Chart. Using these modes, you can enter attendance and attendance comments for all PowerSchool attendance methods (daily, meeting, and interval). Once in an attendance mode, you can easily navigate between modes by using the various tabs. Or, on the start page, select the appropriate icon, then navigate between tabs as needed.

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