Teachers (ver7.8.0)
This view, formerly the Teachers table, provides the fields from the Teachers table.
Note: In the PowerSchoolDataDictionaryTables, the Teachers table is no longer used and has been renamed Teachers_ncf31. The SchoolStaff table and Users table have been created in its place.
Column Name | Initial Version | Data Type | Description |
AccessValue | 7.8.0 | CLOB | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. Note: Also known as Access. |
AdminLDAPEnabled | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] Used for LDAP support (Administrator specific). |
AllowLoginEnd | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] Time-restricted login. This is the end time that teachers can log in. |
AllowLoginStart | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] Time-restricted login. This is the start of the time that teachers can log in. |
Balance1 | 7.8.0 | Float | [From SchoolStaff] Lunch balance. |
Balance2 | 7.8.0 | Float | [From SchoolStaff] Beginning lunch balance for the year, copied from balance 1 in the end-of-year process. |
Balance3 | 7.8.0 | Float | [From SchoolStaff] Fees balance. |
Balance4 | 7.8.0 | Float | [From SchoolStaff] Beginning fee balance for the year, copied from balance 3 in the end-of-year process. |
CanChangeSchool | 7.8.0 | CLOB | [From Users] Semicolon delimited list of Schools.School_Number values the Admin can switch to when logged into the Admin portal. |
City | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(40) | [From Users] City element of the users address. |
Classpua | 7.8.0 | CLOB | [From SchoolStaff] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
Custom | 7.8.0 | CLOB | [From SchoolStaff] This field holds all the teacher custom fields and their values. |
DCID | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] Unique identifier for this table. Indexed. Required. |
DefaultStudScrn | 7.8.0 | CLOB | [From Users] The student page the user wants to appear by default. |
Email_Addr | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(50) | [From Users] Stores the teachers email address and is used for email notifications to the teacher, such as student enrollment information. |
Ethnicity | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
FedEthnicity | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] Numerical answer to the question "Is the staff member Hispanic or Latino?" Valid values: -1 = Default value, user has not yet made a selection, 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 = User-defined answer specified on the Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings page. |
FedRaceDecline | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] Valid valuese: 0 = Value assigned by default or one or more values specified in the TeacherRace table, 1 = Declined to specify race (no rows should appear in the TeacherRace table). |
First_Name | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | [From Users] First name. |
GradebookType | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] Indicates the type of gradebook in use by the teacher. Valid values: 0 = PowerGrade, 1 = PowerTeacher gradebook. |
GroupValue | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] The security group (from Gen table) this user belongs to in PowerSchool. This determines which pages the user has access to. |
Home_Phone | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | [From Users] Changed name from Home_phone. Home phone number for the staff member. |
HomePage | 7.8.0 | CLOB | [From Users] The page that appears when logging in to PowerSchool. |
Homeroom | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | [From Users] This string does appear on some pages but does not impact any calculations. |
HomeSchoolID | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] The teacher's home school. This ID is linked to the School_Number from the School table. Indexed. Required. |
ID | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] Sequential number generated by the application, but uniqueness in the table is not guaranteed. Indexed. |
IPAddRestrict | 7.8.0 | CLOB | [From Users] The list of IP addresses the user is allowed to log in from. If blank, he or she can log in from any IP address. |
Last_Name | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | [From Users] Last name. |
LastFirst | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(40) | [From Users] Last, First, Mi. Indexed. |
LastMeal | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | [From Users] Stores the date of last lunch purchase. |
Log | 7.8.0 | CLOB | [From SchoolStaff] Log file is updated with importing. |
LoginID | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | [From Users] The PowerSchool login name. Indexed. |
Lunch_ID | 7.8.0 | Float | [From Users] The PowerLunch number. Indexed. |
Maximum_Load | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] Maximum student load permissible for this Teacher. |
Middle_Name | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | [From Users] Middle name. |
NameAsImported | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(40) | [From Users] Used as a matching tool when importing teacher information. |
NoOfCurClasses | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
Notes | 7.8.0 | CLOB | [From SchoolStaff] Miscellaneous notes. |
NumLogins | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
Password | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(40 00) | [From Users] The PowerSchool login password. |
PeriodsAvail | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(40) | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
Photo | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] Set to 1 if a photo exists for this user. |
PowerGradePW | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
PreferredName | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(45) | [From Users] Name the user prefers to use. |
PrefixCodesetID | 24.9.0 | Number(16) | Foreign key to codeset table of category prefix. |
PSAccess | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] Indicates if the user can log in to PowerSchool Admin. Valid values: 0 = No, 1 = Yes. |
PTAccess | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] Indicates if the user can log in to PowerTeacher. Valid values: 0 = No, 1 = Yes. |
Sched_ActivityStatusCode | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(8) | [From SchoolStaff] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
Sched_BuildingCode | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(10) | [From SchoolStaff] The building the teacher is in. |
Sched_Classroom | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(10) | [From SchoolStaff] The classroom this teacher is in most of the time. |
Sched_Department | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(10) | [From SchoolStaff] The department to which the teacher belongs. |
Sched_Gender | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(2) | [From SchoolStaff] Valid values: M = Male, F = Female. |
Sched_Homeroom | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(10) | [From SchoolStaff] The teachers' homeroom. |
Sched_HouseCode | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(10) | [From SchoolStaff] The house to which the teacher belongs. |
Sched_IsTeacherFree | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] Flag stating weather the teacher is always free. True=no limit on how many courses a teacher can teach at a time, most often used with fake or SPED teachers. False= teacher can only teach one class at a time unless other wise specified at the course level. |
Sched_Lunch | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] Identifies the teacher to the engine as one who should be assigned a lunch period for each valid lunch day (according to the lunch courses valid days) when automated lunch is scheduled. This flag is used in lieu of creating course assignments for lunch. |
Sched_Maxim umConsecutive | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] The most courses a teacher can teach in a row without a break. |
Sched_MaximumCourses | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] The maximum number of courses the teacher can teach. |
Sched_MaximumDuty | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
Sched_MaximumFree | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] The maximum number of preparatory periods the teacher can have. |
Sched_MaxPers | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] Reflects a long-standing setting in the Engine for Max Periods Per Day the Teacher is to be scheduled. |
Sched_MaxPreps | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] Reflects the setting in the Engine for Max Prep Codes (per Term) a Teacher is to be scheduled. |
Sched_PrimarySchoolCode | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(10) | [From SchoolStaff] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
Sched_Scheduled | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] Flag indicating whether or not this user is used for scheduling: True=Is used for scheduling. False=Not used for scheduling. |
Sched_Substitute | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
Sched_TeacherMoreOneSchool | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
Sched_Team | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(12) | [From SchoolStaff] The team the teacher is on. |
Sched_TotalC ourses | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
Sched_UseBuilding | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
Sched_UseHouse | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
School_Phone | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | [From Users] Changed name from School_phone. Phone number at the school assigned to this staff member. Not currently used by any application code. |
SchoolID | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] This ID is linked to the School_Number from the School table. Indexed. |
SIF_StatePrID | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(32) | [From Users] Used by the PowerSchool SIF Agent that requires a state-level unique identifier for teachers. To be used in the SIF StaffPersonal object. |
SSN | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(12) | [From Users] This users Social Security number. |
StaffPers_GUID | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(32) | [From Users] Globally unique identifier for this table for SIF compliancy. Indexed. |
StaffStatus | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] Current title for staff. Valid values: 0 = Not Assigned, 1 = Teacher, 2 |
State | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(2) | [From Users] State element of the users address. |
Status | 7.8.0 | Number | [From SchoolStaff] Indicates whether the teacher is active or not. Valid values: 1 = Current, 2 = No longer here. Indexed. |
Street | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(80) | [From Users] Street element of the users address. |
SupportContact | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] Value of 1 indicates that this user is an authorized support contact. |
TeacherLDAPEnabled | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] Used for LDAP support (teacher specific). |
TeacherLoginID | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | [From Users] The login name for PowerTeacher. |
TeacherLoginIP | 7.8.0 | CLOB | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
TeacherLoginPW | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(4000) | [From Users] The login password for PowerTeacher. |
TeacherNumber | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | [From Users] The number the district assigns to track the teacher. |
Title | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(40) | [From Users] Stores a title name for the teacher and is used for sorting purposes. |
Users_DCID | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Schoolstaff] Internal number for the associated User record. Indexed. Required. |
WM_Address | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(70) | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
WM_Alias | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(70) | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
WM_CreateDate | 7.8.0 | Date | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
WM_CreateTime | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
WM_Exclude | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] No longer used. Used in one Version fix method. |
WM_Password | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
WM_Status | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(10) | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
WM_StatusDate | 7.8.0 | Date | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
WM_TA_Date | 7.8.0 | Date | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
WM_TA_Flag | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(3) | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
WM_Tier | 7.8.0 | Number | [From Users] No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
Zip | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(10) | [From Users] Zip code element of the users address. |