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TeacherNote (ver21.4.0)

This table stores teacher observations or incidents tied to a student.

Column NameInitial VersionData TypeDescription
DateTime21.4.0TimestampThe date and time the incident or teacher observation took place.
Description21.4.0Varchar(4000)Full description of the incident or teacher observation.
EscalatedDate21.4.0TimestampThe date and time that the teacher observation was escalated and an incident was created.
GroupIdentifier21.4.0Varchar(32)A unique identifier used to group observations. Currently not used.
ID21.4.0Number(16)The unique sequential number generated by the application. Indexed. Required.
IncidentID21.4.0Number(16)Foreign key to Incident.Incident_Id column. Indexed.
Location21.4.0Varchar(36)The location of the incident or teacher observation.
SectionsDCID21.4.0Number(16)Foreign key to Sections.DCID column. Indexed. Currently not used.
StudentsDCID21.4.0Number(16)Foreign key to Students.DCID column. Indexed. Required.
Title21.4.0Varchar(36)Title of the incident or teacher observation.
UsersDCID21.4.0Number(16)Foreign key to Users.DCID column. Indexed. Required.
WhenCreated21.4.0Timestamp(6)The date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date. Required.
WhenModified21.4.0Timestamp(6)The date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date. Required.
WhoCreated21.4.0Varchar(100)The name of the person who created the record. Defaults to user. Required.
WhoModifed21.4.0Varchar(100)The name of the person who modified the record. Defaults to the user. Required.
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