SectionScoresAssignments, 198 (ver5.1.1)
A quick reference of student scores in sections. Child table of SectionScoresID.
Column Name | Initial Version | Data Type | Description |
Assignment | 5.1.1 | Number(10,0) | Stores the assignment ID of the associated PGAssignment record for this student in this section. |
Comment_value | 5.1.1 | CLOB | An optional area to describe any information about this item. |
DCID | 5.1.1 | Number(10,0) | Unique identifier for this table. Indexed. Required. |
Exempt | 5.1.1 | Varchar(2) | A char containing a null, 1, or 0 representing whether or not a score has been marked as Exempt. |
FDCID | 5.1.1 | Number(10,0) | Foreign key reference to SectionScoresID.DCID. Indexed. |
Grade | 5.1.1 | Varchar(31) | Stores the Assignment letter grade for this assignment for this student in this section. |
Percent | 5.1.1 | Varchar(31) | Stores the Assignment percentage score for this assignment for this student in this section. |
Score | 5.1.1 | Varchar(31) | Stores the Assignment number score for this assignment for this student in this section. |