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ScheduledEvent (ver20.4.0)

This table stores scheduled event details.

Column Name

Initial Version

Data Type


CodeSetID20.4.0Number(16,0)CodesetID corresponding to the type of schedule, such as Diabetes monitoring. Required.
Description20.4.0Varchar2(512)Description of the scheduled event.
Duration20.4.0Number(16,0)Duration of the actual event created by the schedule. Optional.
EndDate20.4.0DateThe end date of the scheduled event to which the events should be created. Required.
Friday20.4.0Number(1,0)Valid values: 0=Excluded, 1=Included, an event record will be created for all Fridays between the start and end date based on IncludeNonSchoolDays.
IncludeNonSchoolDays20.4.0Number(1,0)Valid values: 0=School in session days are only included, 1=All school calendar days are included. Defaults to 0. Required.
Monday20.4.0Number(1,0)Valid values: 0=Excluded, 1=Included, an event record will be created for all Mondays between the start and end date based on IncludeNonSchoolDays. Defaults to 0. Required.
Saturday20.4.0Number(1,0)Valid values: 0=Excluded, 1=Included, an event record will be created for all Saturdays between the start and end date based on IncludeNonSchoolDays.
ScheduledEventID20.4.0Number(16,0)The unique sequential number generated by the application. Indexed. Required.
StartDate20.4.0DateThe start date of the scheduled event from which the events should be created. Required.
Status20.4.0Number(1,0)Valid values: 0=Pending, original event records are not created, 1=Completed, original event records are created.
StudentDCID20.4.0Number(10,0)DCID of the student for whom monitoring is done. Required.
Sunday20.4.0Number(1,0)Valid values: 0=Excluded, 1=Included, an event record will be created for all Sundays between the start and end date based on IncludeNonSchoolDays.
Thursday20.4.0Number(1,0)Valid values: 0=Excluded, 1=Included, an event record will be created for all Thursdays between the start and end date based on IncludeNonSchoolDays.
TimeOfDay20.4.0TIMESTAMP(6)The time of the actual event created by the schedule.
Tuesday20.4.0Number(1,0)Valid values: 0=Excluded, 1=Included, an event record will be created for all Tuesdays between the start and end date based on IncludeNonSchoolDays.
Wednesday20.4.0Number(1,0)Valid values: 0=Excluded, 1=Included, an event record will be created for all Wednesdays between the start and end date based on IncludeNonSchoolDays.
WhenCreated20.4.0DateThe date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date. Required.
WhenModified20.4.0DateThe date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date. Required.
WhoCreated20.4.0Varchar2(100)The name of the person who created the record. Defaults to user. Required.
WhoModified20.4.0Varchar2(100)The name of the person who modified the record. Defaults to user. Required.
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