RepoSetupsUserData, 61 (ver3.6.1)
Information on user-entered data (variables) for reports.
Column Name | Initial Version | Data Type | Description |
DCID | 4.0.0 | Number(10,0) | Unique identifier for this table. Indexed. Required. |
DefaultValue | 3.6.1 | CLOB | Value to be assigned to this variable by default. |
Description | 3.6.1 | CLOB | An optional area to describe any information about this item. |
Display_As | 3.6.1 | Varchar(11) | Display format for this user variable. C=Checkbox, N=Native, P=Popup, T=Title, M=Multi-line text area. |
Display_As_Info | 3.6.1 | CLOB | Information to be displayed with this variable format. |
Internal_ID | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Sequential number generated by the application, but uniqueness in the table is not guaranteed. Indexed. |
Name | 3.6.1 | Varchar(79) | Name provided to this user variable. |
Options | 4.0.0 | CLOB | There are the HTML entity attributes that are inserted for the user variable. |
Order_Index | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | The number provided to this item for referencing purposes. |
ReportSetupID | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | The internal number for the parent RepoSetups with which this record is associated. Indexed. |
Required | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Indicates whether this variable input is required. 1=Yes |
To_Update | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Indicates whether to update this variable passed in through Import for Exporting purposes. 1=Yes, |
Unused1 | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Currently unused field. |
User_Info | 3.6.1 | CLOB | Any user information passed in through Import for Exporting purposes. |
Valid_Lower_Limit | 3.6.1 | Varchar(79) | Used for validation. The value entered is checked to see if it's equal or greater than this lower limit. |
Valid_Upper_Limit | 3.6.1 | Varchar(79) | Used for validation. The value entered is checked to see if it's equal or less than this lower limit. |
Valid_Max_Nbr_Of_Chars | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Used for validation. The text value entered is checked to see if it's equal or greater than this minimum character limit. |
Valid_Min_Nbr_Of_Chars | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Used for validation. The text value entered is checked to see if it's equal or less than this minimum character limit. |
Value_Type | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Datatype of the Variable to be used: 1=Integer, 2=Real, 3=Text, 4=Date, 5=Boolean, 6=Time, 7= Undefined. |