PSM_JobQueueCurrentView (ver9.0.0)
This view of the PSM Job Queue Current table provides additional information about related parent requests.
Column Name | Initial Version | Data Type | Description |
ActiveFlag | 9.0.0 | Number(3) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] If the job is active. |
CreationTimeStamp | 9.0.0 | Timestamp(6) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] Date and time the job was created. |
DownloadFileExtension | 9.0.0 | Varchar 2(50) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] Extension given to the file when it is downloaded. |
DownloadFileName | 9.0.0 | Varchar2(512) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] Name given to the file when it is downloaded. |
EndTimeStamp | 9.0.0 | Timestamp(6) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] Date and time the job finished running. |
ErrorCode | 9.0.0 | Number(10) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] Error code processing the job. |
ErrorMessage | 9.0.0 | BLOB | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] Error message processing the job. |
ID | 9.0.0 | Number(19) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] Sequential number generated by the application, uniqueness in the table is guaranteed by Primary Key Unique Index. Required. |
IsParent | 9.0.0 | Number(1) | [From PSM_ReportRuntimeRequest] This value is set to 1 if and only if the associated request is a parent representing a group of subreports to run. |
OutputFile | 9.0.0 | Varchar2(4000) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] File name and path of where the generated report output is stored. |
Parent_EndTimestamp | 9.0.0 | Timestamp(6) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] The end timestamp of the related parent job. Only contains a value if the associated request record is a child of a parent that represents a group of subreports to run. |
Parent_ScheduleStartTimestamp | 9.0.0 | Timestamp(6) | [From PSM_ReportRuntimeRequest] The schedule start timestamp of the related parent request. Only contains a value if the associated request record is a child of a parent that represents a group of subreports to run. |
Priority | 9.0.0 | Number(10) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] Priority of the job: 1-5. A higher priority means the scheduler picks the job sooner. |
ReportApplicationI D | 9.0.0 | Number(19) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] The report application entity to which the current job queue record is related. Required. |
ReportGenUserID | 9.0.0 | Number(19) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] The report gen user entity to which the current job queue record is related. Required. |
ReportRunTimeRequestID | 9.0.0 | Number(19) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] The report run time request entity to which the current job queue record is related. Required. |
ScheduleTimeStamp | 9.0.0 | Timestamp(6) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] Date and time the job is scheduled to run. |
StartTimeStamp | 9.0.0 | Timestamp(6) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] Date and time the job started running. |
Status | 9.0.0 | Varchar2(80) | [From PSM_JobQueueCurrentView] The state of the background job: Pending , Running, Completed, or Failed. |