PS_AdaAdm_Meeting_Ptod (ver5.0.0)
This view may be used for gathering Meeting Attendance records (using Period to Day conversion).
Column Name | Initial Version | Data Type | Description |
AttendanceValue | 5.0.0 | Real | [From Attendance_Conversion_Items] The attendance value to use for a student for a day (a real number, typically a fraction of 1). |
Attendance_Conversion_ID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From PS_Membership_Reg] Key to the Attendance_Conversion table. Indexed. |
CalendarDate | 5.0.0 | Date | [From PS_Membership_Reg] The calendar date. |
FTEID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From PS_Membership_Reg] Key to the FTE table. Indexed. |
Grade_Level | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From PS_Membership_Reg] Student grade level. |
MembershipValue | 5.0.0 | Real | [Derived] Student membership derived from the PS_Membership_Reg view. |
PeriodCount | 5.0.0 | Longint | [Derived] Count from the PS_Attendance_Meeting view (where the count_for_ada value = 1). |
SchoolID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From PS_Membership_Reg] The unique school identifier. Indexed. |
StudentID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From PS_Membership_Reg] The internal number for the student this record is associated with. Indexed. |