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Pre_Mig_Guardian_Details_Bkup (ver12.0.0)

This table holds a static copy of the data from the Guardian table prior to the execution of the Contact Migration. It is for diagnostic purposes only and should not be used for reporting. It will be deleted in a future release.

Note: For internal use only.

Column Name

Initial Version

Data Type


AccountIdentifier12.0.0Varchar2(30)Unique identifier, which identifies a PowerSchool Central Authentication Service (PCAS) account that is associated with a guardian account. Internal number for the associated PCAS_Account.PCAS_accounttoken record.




Unique identifier assigned by the system.

DCID12.0.0Number(10,0)DCID for the related Student record.
EmailAddress12.0.0Varchar2(256Email address for the Guardian.
FirstName12.0.0Varchar2(50)First name of the student's Guardian.
GuardianID12.0.0Number(19,0)Identifier of the Guardian in the Guardian table.
GuardianNotificationEmailID12.0.0Number(19,0)Identifier of the Guardian's email address from the Guardian's table.
GuardianStudentID12.0.0Number(19,0)ID for the related Student record.
LastName12.0.0Varchar2(50)Last name of the student's Guardian.
MiddleName12.0.0Varchar2(30)Middle name of the student's Guardian.
NotificationEmail12.0.0Varchar2(100)Password recovery email address for Guardian.
PCAS_AccountID12.0.0Number(19,0)Guardian's ID in the PCAS_Account table.
PCAS_EmailContactID12.0.0Number(19,0)Link to PCAS Email for the Guardian
WhenCreated12.0.0Timestamp(6)The date and time when the record was created.
WhenModified12.0.0Timestamp(6)The date and time when the record was modified.
WhoCreated12.0.0Varchar2(100)The name of the person who created the record.
WhoModified 12.0.0Varchar2(100)The name of the person who modified the record.
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