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PageCatalog (ver22.5.0)

This table contains a catalog of all the navigational pages in PowerSchool.

Column Name

Initial Version

Data TypeDescription

Flag to determine if the page is District Only, School Only, or Both. 0 indicates Both, 1 indicates School Only and 2 indicates District Only. Default 0. Required.

FeatureFlag22.5.0VarChar2(100)Name of feature flag which the Link should be hidden behind. Not required.
IsCompliance22.5.0Number(1,0)Flag to determine if the page is a Compliance page. Default 0. Required.

Customers will eventually have the ability to remove links they don’t want via the Security page, this is similar functionality to how they customize the left nav today to remove links they don’t need. Default 0. Required.

IsCustomLink22.11.0Number(1,0)Flag to determine if page was created via the customer Custom Link upload process. Default 0, Required.
isLandingPage22.5.0Number(1,0)Flag to indicate that the record is for a page that will include additional links. Default 0. Not required.

Needs to be opened in a new tab. Default 0. Required.

OriginalParentUrl22.5.0VarChar2(4000 Char) Original linked list parent page URL(s). If there are multiple, they're comma delimited or use 'parent>child' formatting. Not required.
PageCatalogID22.5.0Number(10,0)Unique ID. Indexed. Required.

VarChar2(4000 Char)

URL to the page, these can include PS-HTML tags


VarChar2(256 Char)

Description of the page, this will allow us to have more robust search functionality in the future. Should be Message Key. But supports the use of a non-message key. Indexed.

PluginId22.5.0Number(10,0)Determines the Plugin associated with the record. Indexed. Foreign Key.

VarChar(30 Char)

Context needs more research. Initially will account for Student/Staff


VarChar2(256 Char)

URL title to display in the left nav, should be Message Key. But supports the use of a non-message key. Required.

WhenCreated22.5.0Timestamp(6)The date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date. Required.

The date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date. Required.


VarChar(100 Char)

The user login that created the record. Defaults to the database user. Required.


VarChar(100 Char)

The user login that modified the record. Defaults to the database user. Required.
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