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LockOverrideTermBin (ver12.0.0)

This table contains information on the lock reporting term grade override for reporting terms.

 Column Name

Initial Version

Data Type 


LockOverrideID12.0.0Number(16)Foreign key. Internal number for the associated LockOverride.LockOverrideID record. Required. Indexed.

Foreign key. Internal number for the associated TermBins.DCID record. Required. Indexed.

WhenCreated12.0.0TimestampDate and time the record was created. Defaults to system date. Required.
WhenModified12.0.0TimestampDate and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date. Required.
WhoCreated12.0.0Varchar2(100) The user login that created the record. Defaults to database user. Required.
WhoModified12.0.0Varchar2(100) The user login that modified the record. Defaults to database user. Required.
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