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LG_TableName (ver9.1.0)

LG_[TableName] tables are log tables. These tables are created dynamically when a data change subscription is processed. The log records stored in these tables belong to the [TableName]. These tables will have one or more [LogicalKeyFieldName] columns and one or more set of N_[FieldName] and O_[FieldName] columns. These columns have the same type and size as their equivalent in the source [TableName]. LG_[TableName] tables are automatically deleted during PowerSchool startup when no longer needed. The [LogicalKeyFieldName], O_[FieldName], and N_[FieldName] columns are automatically removed from the table during PowerSchool startup when no longer needed.

Column Name

Initial Version

Data Type





Unique identifier for this table. Required.

Changed_Columns9.1.0Varchar2(4000)A comma delimited list of columns that were changed.
DML_Type9.1.0Varchar2(1)The type of record transaction. The possible values are I, D, and U. I=Insert, D=Delete, U=Update.
HLE_Log_ID9.1.0Number(10)HLE refers to a High Level Event. When this log is related to a High Level Event this field will be populated.
IP_Address9.1.0Varchar2(39)The IP address of the client that initiated the transaction.
[LogicalKeyFieldName]ver..Based on source field typeA logical key field. There may be 1 or more of these fields.
N_[FieldName]ver..Based on source field typeThe new value of the field. There may be 1 or more of these fields.
O_[FieldName]ver..Based on source field typeThe old value of the field. There may be 1 or more of these fields.




The timestamp fo the transaction.




The ID of the client that initiated the transaction.




The type of the client that initiated the transaction.

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