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HealthVaccineCVXCode (ver22.5.1)

This table contains the selected values from the multi-select drop downs on the Vaccine Management Page.

Column Name

Initial Version

Data Type





Foreign key's internal id relating this record to a record in the CodeSet table. Required. Indexed.

HealthVaccineCVXCodeID22.5.1Number(19,0)Primary key and internal id of the record. Required.




Foreign key's internal id relating this record to a record in the HealthVaccine table. Required. Indexed.

WhenCreated22.5.1Timestamp(6)The date and time the record was last modified. Defaults to system date.
WhenModified22.5.1Timestamp(6)The date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date.
WhoCreated22.5.1Varchar2(100)The name of the user who created the record. Defaults to current user.
WhoModified22.5.1Varchar2(100)The name of the user who last modified the record. Defaults to current user.
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