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This table contains the results of a general health screening on a student.

Column Name

Initial Version

Data Type


CardiovascularOrHTNComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments about the student's heart and cardio.
DiagnosisOfAsthmaComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments about the student's diagnosis of asthma.
EarsComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments related to the student's ears.
EndocrineComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments related to the endocrine level.
EyesComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments related to the student's eyes.
GastrointestinalComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments related to the student's gastrointestinal function.
GenitoUrinaryComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments related to the student's urinary tract function or genitals.
GradeLevelAtScreen21.4.4varchar2(6)Student's grade level when screening performed.
HealthMainStudRecID21.4.4Number(19)Foreign Key to student's main health record. Required.
HealthStudSystemID21.4.4Number(19)Unique Key for this record. System assigned.
IsCardiovascularOrHTNNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's heart appears within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsDiagnosisOfAsthmaNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student has been diagnosed with Asthma. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsEarsNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's ears are within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsEndocrineNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's endocrine levels are within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsEyesNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's eyes are within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsGastrointestinalComment21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's gastrointestinal tract appears to be within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsGenitoUrinaryNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's urinary function/genitals are within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsLMPNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's LMP was within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsMentalHealthNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates no mental health concerns. 1 = No concerns, 0 = Concerns found.
IsMouthOrDentalNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's mouth or teeth are within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsMusculoskeletalNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's musculoskeletal results are within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsNeurologicalNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's Neurological results are within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsNoseNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's nose is within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsNutritionalStatusNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's nutritional status is within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsRespiratoryNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's respiratory system is within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsSkinNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's skin is unremarkable. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsSpinalExamNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's spinal exam results are within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
IsThroatNormal21.4.4Number(1)Indicates whether the student's throat is within normal limits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
LMPComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments about LMP results.
MentalHealthComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comment's about the student's mental health.
MouthOrDentalComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments about the normalcy of the student's mouth or teeth.
MusculoskeletalComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments about the normalcy of the student's musculoskeletal system.
NeurologicalComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments about the student's neurological response.
NoseComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments about the normalcy of the student's nose.
NutritionalStatusComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments about the student's nutritional status.
RespiratoryComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments about the normalcy of the student's respiration.
ScreenComment21.4.4Varchar2(512)Screener's general comments about the screening.
ScreenDate21.4.4DateDate the screening took place. Required.
ScreenerName21.4.4Varchar2(305)Name of the person performing the health screening.
SkinComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments related to skin condition.
SpinalExamComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments related to the student's spinal exam.
SystemScreenOutcomeLUID21.4.4Number(19)Foreign Key to the outcome code for the screening.
SystemScreenerTypeLUID21.4.4Number(19)Foreign Key to the type of screener.
ThroatComment21.4.4Varchar2(2000)Screener's comments related to the throat.




The date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date.




The date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date.




The name of the person who created the record. Defaults to the user.




The name of the person who modified the record. Defaults to the user.

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