GradeReplacementPolicy (ver7.9.0)
This table stores grade replacement policy set up information.
Column Name | Initial Version | Data Type | Description |
AllowSuppressionInSameTerm | 7.9.0 | Number(10) | Indicates whether to allow grade replacement (suppression) for the grades in same term. Valid values: 1=True, to be allowed, 0=False. Defaults to 0. |
Description | 7.9.0 | Varchar2(50) | Description or comment for the grade replacement policy. Up to 256 characters may be entered. |
HighThreshold | 7.9.0 | Float(126) | Indicates what GPA point value grades can be replaced when below or equal maximum credit for the course. Defaults to 0. |
ID | 7.9.0 | Number(10) | Unique ID for the record, this is generated by sequence generator that starts from 2. Required. Note: ID=1 reserved for preset record. |
IncludeAddedValue | 7.9.0 | Number(10) | Indicates whether to include added GPA values grade replacement calculations. Valid values: 1=Include, 0 or NULL=Do not include. Defaults to 0. |
LowThreshold | 7.9.0 | Float(126) | Indicates what GPA point value grades can be replaced when above minimum credit for the course. Defaults to 0. |
Maxcr_ExcludeFromClassRank | 7.9.0 | Number(10) | Indicates whether to exclude grade from class rank once maximum credit threshold is reached. Valid values: 1=Exclude, 0 or NULL=Do not exclude. Defaults to 0. |
Maxcr_ExcludeFromGPA | 7.9.0 | Number(10) | Indicates whether to exclude grade from GPA once maximum credit threshold is reached. Valid values: 1=Exclude, 0 or NULL=Do not exclude. Defaults to 0. |
Maxcr_ExcludeFromHonorRoll | 7.9.0 | Number(10) | Indicates whether to exclude grade from honor roll once maximum credit threshold is reached. Valid values: 1=Exclude, 0 or NULL=Do not exclude. Defaults to 0. |
Maxcr_ExcludeFromTranscripts | 7.9.0 | Number(10) | Indicates whether to exclude grade from transcripts based on grade replacement calculations. Valid values: 1=Exclude, 0 or NULL=Do not exclude. Defaults to 0. |
Name | 7.9.0 | Varchar2(50) | Unique name for the grade replacement policy. Required. |
Replace_ExcludeFromClassRank | 7.9.0 | Number(10) | Indicates whether to exclude grade from class rank based on grade replacement calculations. Valid values: 1=Exclude, 0 or NULL=Do not exclude. Defaults to 0. |
Replace_ExcludeFromGPA | 7.9.0 | Number(10) | Indicates whether to exclude grade from GPA based on grade replacement calculations. Valid values: 1=Exclude, 0 or NULL=Do not exclude. Defaults to 0. |
Replace_ExcludeFromHonorRoll | 7.9.0 | Number(10) | Indicates whether to exclude grade from honor roll based on grade replacement calculations. Valid values: 1=Exclude, 0 or NULL=Do not exclude. Defaults to 0. |
Replace_ExcludeFromTranscripts | 7.9.0 | Number(10) | Indicates whether to exclude grade from transcripts based on grade replacement calculations. Valid values: 1=Exclude, 0 or NULL=Do not exclude. Defaults to 0. |
WhenCreated | 7.9.0 | Timestamp(6) | The date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date. |
WhenModified | 7.9.0 | Timestamp(6) | The date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date. |
WhocCeated(ver7.9.0) | 7.9.0 | Varchar(100) | The name of the person who create the record. Defaults to user. |
WhoModified | 7.9.0 | Varchar(100) | The name of person who modified the record. Defaults to user. |