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GPWaiverConfig (ver9.2.2.1)

Details about waived credits in a graduation plan for a student.

Column Name

Initial Version

Data Type


AllowReport9.2.2.1Number(1) Indicates whether waiver can be reported. Valid values: 1 = Yes, 0 = No. Default = 0. Required.
Code9.2.2.1Varchar2(100)User definable code for the waiver. Must be unique when combined with Type.
Description9.2.2.1Varchar2(512)User definable description for the waiver.
ID9.2.2.1Number(19) Primary key. A unique sequential number generated by the PowerSchool. Required. Indexed.
Name9.2.2.1Varchar2(100)User definable name for the waiver. Must be unique when combined with Type.
Type9.2.2.1Number(10) Indicates the type of waiver configuration. Valid values: 1 = Waiver Type, 2 = Waiver Source, 3 = Waiver Reason. Required. Must be unique when combined with Name or Code.
WhenCreated9.2.2.1Timestamp(6)The date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date. Required.
WhenModified9.2.2.1Timestamp(6)The date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date. Required.
WhoCreated9.2.2.1Varchar2(100)The user login that created the record. Defaults to database user. Required.
WhoModified9.2.2.1Varchar2(100)The user login that modified the record. Defaults to database user. Required.
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