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GPProgressSubjectProgramCourse (ver21.11.0.0)

Column Name

Initial Version

Data Type




Name of the course. Required.

CourseNumber21.11.0.0Varchar2(20) Course number for this course. Required.

Credit types if this course was matched via that method. Required.

Department21.11.0.0Varchar2(20)  Department. Required. 
ExcludeFromGpa21.11.0.0Number(1,0) Boolean value indicating if this course is to be excluded from GPA calculations. (1=Exclude)
GpProgressSubjectProgramId21.11.0.0Number(19,0) Foreign key to the related GPProgressSubjectProgram record. Required.
GradeLevel21.11.0.0Varchar2(20) Grade level of this course. Required.
Id21.11.0.0Number(19,0)A unique sequential number generated by the PowerSchool. Required. Indexed.
IsComplete21.11.0.0Number(1,0) Boolean value indicating if this course has been completed. (1=Completed). Required.
IsRequired21.11.0.0Number(1,0) Boolean value indicating if this course was required. (1=Required, 0=Not Required). Required.
LetterGrade21.11.0.0Varchar2(20) Letter grade earned by the student for this course. Required.
PercentGrade21.11.0.0FloatPercent grade earned by the student for this course.
PotentialCreditHours21.11.0.0FloatCredit hours course is worth.
SectionId21.11.0.0Number(19,0)Foreign key to the section related to this course.
Source21.11.0.0Varchar2(20) Value indicating where this grade originated Values: Waiver, StoredGrade, Enrollment, Request, Planned. Required.
TermName21.11.0.0Varchar2(20) Term name associated with this course/section. Required.
YearName21.11.0.0Varchar2(20) Year name associated with this course/section. Required.
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