ExtSchemaCustomRemap (ver7.2.0)
Maps legacy custom fields to extended schema definition information for legacy custom fields moved to an extended schema. Extensions for Schoolstaff and Users require two rows. One represents the view Teachers and one the table.
Column Name | Initial Version | Data Type | Description |
AlternateCoreTable | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(30) | Used for Users and Schoolstaff extensions. Valid values: Teachers, Users, Schoolstaff. |
AlternateKey | 7.8.0 | Varchar2(30) | Used for Users extension tables. Valid value: users_dcid. |
CoreTable | 7.2.0 | Varchar2(32) | Legacy custom field core table or view (Teachers only) name. Required. |
CustName | 7.2.0 | Varchar2(100) | Legacy custom field name. Required. |
ExtColumn | 7.2.0 | Varchar2(32) | Extended schema column name. Required. |
Extension | 7.2.0 | Varchar2(256) | Name specified in the extension tag of the XML file. Required. |
ExtTable | 7.2.0 | Varchar2(32) | Extended schema table name. Required. |